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Everything posted by fastwgn286

  1. yeah, i saw lots of people in the mountain towns during the school year that had the half wide box. its mounted closer to one side, and looks cooler than the full monty xcargo imho
  2. i love your enthusiasm!!! but, then again, if you brought a brat with t-tops, your 2/3s of the way there.... hmm.....
  3. im sorry dude. but we'll probably see an impreza hybrid before we see the convertible.... i know....life sucks, then you die....
  4. there aren't too many places that sell power packs, turbos, etc. for the legacy until 2005, when the model exploded (due to a turbo'd gt model....) the perfectpower6 is sold by rallitek (http://www.rallitek.com), but they took down the part of their site that had everything for the older legies. you might have buy one for a 2.5 rs impreza and cross your fingers.... Cobb (http://www.cobbtuning.com) sells miscellanious stuff for the older legacies. their accessport ecu upgrade seems to have rave reviews. Boxer 4 Racing (http://www.boxer4racing.com) sells subie stuff. again, mainly impreza stuff, but whatever....(they do have exhausts for the legacy!) you really have to be patient and search a lot to find stuff for it. its hard, it blows, but it happens....
  5. could make your own. my great grandfather designed and built a roof top carrier that also doubled as a table once you got to your destination...it would be hard to store a sears xcargo carrier (we have one, but it is never used anymore, and it just takes up space in a shed....)
  6. wouldn't it depend on where the extra weight is? if its two pounds heavier at the center, then they would have the same basic moment of inertia, which is what makes the wheels so hard to turn anyways.... i know you won't be able to find out where the extra weight is. just pick the wheels you like, pay for em, mount em, and enjoy em....(and possibly post pics! i can never see too many pics....)
  7. QUAD-win: he can get better tires, which stick better, improve driving feel, and are definitely faster than the stock potenzas
  8. i wouldn't like buying a head from a junkyard and finding out i have to rebuild it. if i was in your shoes, i might consider a rebuilt head... at least it has zero miles and a warranty...
  9. it really is amazing that people still don't understand that 'subaru' is japanese for: >a star constellation >a warranty >a ruben sandwich...
  10. how much money do you want to spend? chips, turbos, nuclear power...sky's the limit...
  11. true, but who's gonna notice the difference when driving a minivan without a roof on it?
  12. yeah, sorry to throw everyone off.... both are some nice wagons....wagon-love everybody! both could use more lights though. never can have too many lights! i need more lights too....
  13. hmm....mine seems to be slightly hotter than what i used to see. i dunno if this is from breaking in the engine or higher ambient temps, but it only crept up a degree or two. anymore than that might spell P-R-O-B-L-E-M-S.....(its not so bad that the engine sporadically stalls when stopped at a light or something?) double check you have no air in the cooling system, running slighty more water to antifreeze, and that your fans are working....
  14. nah, dude. i saw it. since that minivan wasn't a unibody (it was merely a metal box on a frame with wheels) they cut off the top and went for a ride. it is possible that the production team welded something in, but you can see it here if you got an hour or so to spare: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5126438735801408000&q=top+gear+season
  15. i guess so. all the brightons i've seen don't even have tachs....
  16. be sure not to bend the lines or move them too much! i broke the steering rack in my last car, and the shop that repaired it (no time to repair on my own....) moved a power steering line too much, which loosened one of the machine crimped couplings, and i lost power steering until i buried that car....
  17. you could get some cheap used tires to make the trip. if its just for a few weeks or so, go used. i know lots of places round here, dunno about over there...
  18. man, i wish everything was fixable with the click of a button. and have several buttons, like a remote... the fix-it remote. i'm sitting on a gold mine! i'm copyrighting this.....
  19. yeah, defintely a saab trunk on the black one. i know the beige one is photoshoped, but the black one is too, so....yeah. andy, it might not be that hard to do. top gear cut the roof off of a renault espace (english minivan thing, looks like a hemmroid...) and it worked brillantly. just gotta chose the right car. might not work on a subaru....
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