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Copper for the XT6:brow:

I can get a SET of copper head gaskets for an ER27 with RCC(Rubber Coated Copper) in .050" thick for: $117.00 & $85.00 for plain, And .064" thick for: RCC $127.00 & $95.00 plain. Anyone interested. Since I am TTing the ER27 I need something that is going to be reliable under boost and this just about the only thing that will do. Good for high compression, turbocharging, supercharging, ooh and Twin turbocharging HEHE. Think of it this way would you rather build your ER27 twice or do it right the first time? Its worth the money even if you just have a problem blowing HG's!


Let me know :banana:

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Wish I could.. how long will this be available? I understand the different thickness gaskets affect your compression ratio? Do you know how much of a difference there is between the two and which is better for NA and which is better for Boost?

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Wish I could.. how long will this be available? I understand the different thickness gaskets affect your compression ratio? Do you know how much of a difference there is between the two and which is better for NA and which is better for Boost?


I dont think there is a time limit on them so just start saving.:rolleyes:


As far as the compression ratio goes when changing the head gasket thickness will effect the compression ratio. I saw a thread on some ej HG where the normal gasket was .152in with a CR of 8.0:1 and with a thinner gasket of .058in the CR went to 8.5:1. When your increasing the gaskets thickness by about .1in with a bore of 92mm or 3.622in there is an increase of about 3 cid between the two. Basically the thinner the gasket the higher the CR, the thicker the gasket the lower the CR. As far as N/A and turboing, If you dont have turbo pistons but are blowing then I would go with the thicker. If you are N/A and you want to increase your CR then go with the thinner. They also said that if you want to lower the CR even more you can stack the copper gaskets with no problem to get a desired CR, good to do with N/A pistons. And I think I am going to go with the .05in thick RCC gasket. This with my turbo pistons w/7.5:1 CR may actually show closer to 8.0:1 this all depending on the thickness of the original gasket, I should be getting my engine rebuild gasket set by the end of next week and I will edit this thread.




if you cant get copper gaskets, you could get the block o-ringed/ it keeps the gaskets from blowing out under high stress.



As far as the rings, yes true but get out your wallet cause your going to be forking over some money to a machine shop to cut your cyl walls for a high precision ring. You are looking at $15 per ring and then the machining which is probably around another $150 min. So $240 for copper and rings. The thing is that is the reason for going to copper is to increase the strength and prevent blowthrough between the cyl walls. I would imagine that the copper by it self would be ample.




Wouldn't ringing the block/head just mean that you'd blow the block instead of a head gasket though?


No, it is a very small grove that is cut into the cyl wall to hold the ring in, only .033"-.035" deep and .039"-.040" wide. The O-ring is usually only about .041"dia. This is not enough to do any damage to the block. The gasket is still the weakest link, next would be your spark plug(which just shot out of my friends SVT F-150 Lightening :D) and then your piston rings.


Hope this helps.

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Yea that would be awsome. I would like to know as well. I am trying to delete any problems that I might have in the future from high boost. For the increase in gasket sealing and strength I think it would be worth it. Also it would prevent any oil or coolant from getting around the gasket and into the combustion chamber. Keep me posted!

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  • 1 month later...
ill have to stop by and talk to jim, the owner of the shop, and see what he will quote me at.


Any quotes yet?


UPDATE :brow:

I just sent off for the new rubber coated copper head gaskets today. I ordered a .064" thick set, I checked my new head gasket that I ordered for them to copy and it measures about .067" thick so I guess I am staying very close to stock.


The copper does require retorquing normally after just heating up the engine and letting it cool. Follow all factory specs for initial torque settings. O-rings are recommended if you plan to go over 7 psi of boost. I WILL be posting some pictures of these gaskets once they are finished for all to gander. I CANT WAIT!!!!!:banana:

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Thanks garry.






Once I get the gaskets I will post a picture so you can check it out for yourself. The pricing for the gaskets are at the begining of the thread, Its highly recommended to get the RCC gaskets to prevent liquid from leaking from the engine.


PM me and let me know exactly when you want to buy the gaskets and I will hook you up.



7 psi I good this is all for preventative measures and if I can increase the boost I will have no head gasket issues. Call it overkill but if you build it big and strong then a miniscual 7 psi should give me absolutaly no problems and thats exactly what I am looking for.

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  • 3 weeks later...

LOOKIE LOOKIE I GOT THE COPPER GASKETS!!!!!! :banana::headbang::D:headbang::brow::slobber::headbang::clap::banana::headbang::D


These things are a thing of beauty!!! So pretty, So shinny.


Well Its been about a month now with a lot of waiting and a lot of patiance but they are finally here. and they look great and very beefy they feel about 5 times more durable then common head gaskets. I had them specially built from Flatout Gaskets fully coated in rubber using their special bonding process to prevent any fluid leakage that regularly plauges copper gaskets. I sent off the new head gaskets I ordered from cortico to have them reverse engineer them. I ordered the .064" thick set. The final cost was $137 this includes shipping and handleing and taxes, and this is the very most that you would have to pay, these are their most expensive gaskets. I would imagine if you wanted a set of these for an EA82 EA81 or EJ22 25 you will be looking at anywhere from $65 to no more then $100 for RCC gaskets like mine for the 4 bangers.


If you are interested it these contact me and I will give you all the information you will need so you can get a set.


Clear rubber coated copper XT6 head gasket



Copper and Cortico side by side



Original Cortico I sent off



Beautiful isn't it! Pictures do it no justice

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