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Pics of where the wagon will spend the winter...

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flush your radiator and make sure there is only correctly mixed coolant when you fill it up. too much water and it will freeze. also, take the battery and and store it in a heated place, or start the car up every week so it holds a charge. some gas treatment couldn`t hurt as well.

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Might fog the motor, get some of that fogging spray... dunno if it's any use while the motor is in the car, but it'll prevent surface rust on the cylinder walls and whatnot from condensation. I have also heard that starting it weekly isn't that great for motors, unless you get them nice and hot and let them run for a while... something to do with condensation in the motor not all evaporating out, and the heat from the 10-minute run only catalyzing the rust reaction or oil breakdown. Can't remember it precisely, but I don't run motors for less than an hour when it's being stored, if at all.

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Might fog the motor, get some of that fogging spray... dunno if it's any use while the motor is in the car, but it'll prevent surface rust on the cylinder walls and whatnot from condensation. I have also heard that starting it weekly isn't that great for motors, unless you get them nice and hot and let them run for a while... something to do with condensation in the motor not all evaporating out, and the heat from the 10-minute run only catalyzing the rust reaction or oil breakdown. Can't remember it precisely, but I don't run motors for less than an hour when it's being stored, if at all.


I have absolutely no explanation or evidence to support, but i wholeheartedly agree. Full tank of fuel plus stabilizer, and make sure it runs.. just starting has always proved to be bad for a motor in my experience. My mother worked half a mile from our house for three years, and it killed the motor in the van ro drive it half a mile twice a day, everyday.. Ideally, try taking it out whenever the roads are clear?? i dont really know what you folks deal with for winter, living in south florida.. but i DID live in the mountains in NC for 8 years when i was real young.. we didnt get a whole lot of snow those years though, and that was mostly when i was 5-8 years old so i was hardly paying much attention to automotive care and technique for winter driving...


anyhow the stabilizer and full tank are just good storage habits for any internal combustion engine. If you can give her the occasional drive, I would recommend that over a simple start and idle.

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i've heard block the exhaust because of mice and such climbing in there

Been there done that!



Put some kinda screen over the pipe.


Mice will be all over the undercarrage looking for food or a way in.

They will chew on wires and rubber tubing it will cause you nothing but greef.


Put traps everywhere!


Rather than stabilize the gas? Run the engine on a regular basis.

Make sure it gets to operating temp.

I'd move the car around to avoid flat spots on the tires.


Good Luck

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