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Tire Chains in the mud?

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has anyone used tire chains in the mud? I told my wife to pick up a set mud tires for the front of the subaru while I was out of town and when I got back they had sold her what look like rain tires. I had made plans on going to the lake bed but im afraid those new front tires just wont get any traction. I have a couple sets of tire chains and wondering about useing them in the mud? Has anyone used chains in mud and if so how did it do? should I put them on the front or back or both? I have a subaru with 4wd dual range...thanks

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Johnson']Why wouldn't the chains work? I've seen Road Graders that have chains on them just because of the mud. It might not be a great advantage but I don't see any drawbacks...other than coming loose or something.


Definately front and back.




NO chains on the rears, you have to use chains just like there was snow.




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The only problem I see is the fact that mud usually takes some RPM's, and chains aren't good when combined with tire speed. Any time you are going to be spinning the tires alot, chains are a bad idea in general, even cable chains. If you read the warnings for most any chains, they advise not to exceed XX miles per hour, and for good reason.


Have you ever seen the effects of a tire chain coming loose at speed?


:eek: They will beat the @$&*# out of the wheel wells, and fenders if they come off wrong under any kind of tire speed.:eek:


If the misses would be angry about you welding up the rear, I have a feeling she might be a little peeved if you brought the car home with hogged out wheel wells. This is especially true of real chains, cable chains are a little gentler. Just something to keep in mind.

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im the back of my brumby are a set of chains i got specificaly for driving in mud.....an to a lesser extent for snow an ice.


the old style ladder steering chains with a couple of extra lengthway chains spaced evenly across the width of the ladder are the go for mud on a FWD or AWD......diamond chains are a dead loss for mud

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I picked these chains up at the goodwill (5 bucks). Im not really worryed about them beating the underside of my car or them coming off at all. I will be going slow for the most part, we will just be dealing with ruts and kinda deep mud(got my wifes explorer stuck down there). I bought these no knowing if they would fit but they fit perfect! they are super easy to put on and there well made not like those one use cheap ones see everywere. Will these work in the mud? any thoughts?












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I know that sometimes big rig (log trucks) chain up for mud. How could it NOT help??


i chained up in the snow/mud at reiter pit (off road park) trying to keep up with the modded subies a few months back, and it worked out pretty well. +1 on the low wheel speed though, especially with heavier duty chains as the "g-forces" from the heavy chains rotating will progressively cause them to stretch those rubber lines that try to hold the chains to the tire correctly. i had one side come off, and as soon as i heard it, i stopped to fix it . . . didn't damage anything (and that was with the "real" chains, not cables)

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