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Everything posted by GirlWithALegacy

  1. I'd offer to come getchya but I don't know if I'm gonna be able to make it and if I do, when I'll be able to get up there... You'll figure it out though.
  2. Yeah this sunday... not sure what time. bring your extra hammocks! haha
  3. psshh you people are crazy Nah I'd totally to that if I had a hammock. and a tarp. and no fear of being eaten alive by bears. yeah if I had all that...
  4. oh right so how'd the pns run go? you get it figured out?
  5. Depending on if anyone else is up for this idea... I'm considering setting up base on Saturday and possibly camping all weekend. IDK yet though... Hayden creek road has "No Overnight Camping" signs practically every 100 yards ... but on Burnt Cabin road, I didn't see a single one... and there was a pretty decent campsite up that road. None of the sites I came across had room for more than 2 or 3 tents unless you walk down into meadowy areas. Maybe I'll just sleep in my car IDK it's all up in the air right now. I'm up for whatever. I found plenty a place to hide cars that no regular width vehicles in their right mind would try to traverse. Its up to you guys... anyone bringing walkie talkies?
  6. I re-read it as well and it sounds like we all agreed to leave the booze at home. My main focus will be driving anyhow.
  7. Who mentioned alcohol? I know I'll be sober and no minors will drink under my watch. I also know we're smarter than mixing alcohol and guns. But I understand that we might be too redneck. Its a hard skill to master. lol. We'll miss ya! If you change your mind you know where to find us!
  8. I drove around up there again yesterday. Found some cool little offshoots that looked like fun... also a couple of creek crossings... idk if anyone is brave enough to cross them though... It was pretty dry up there and yet the standing water was still pretty deep... hopefully there's more mud by this weekend.
  9. Where exactly are you trying to take this thing that you need so much clearance, might I ask? Cuz frankly, as long as my Loyale isn't loaded down too much ... I know some pretty fun roads. Not challenging you.. just curious. I'd be all for helping you since I'm so close... but I wouldn't be much use I'm sure... I really know close to nothing about swapping trannies and engines and the like. Plus I go to school full time (Usually ) But if you need a hand with just general wrenching I'm happy to help if I'm free. Just because I couldn't tell ya how something goes together, doesn't mean I can't put it together if someone points and waves their arms... haha
  10. Uh Ohs is right! I wouldn't say I'm fluent in Subaru buuuut I'm pretty sure that given the context and your car issues... that HG is head gaskets. Hope you can make it! On the topic, how's that snow pack lookin' for ya Mugs? Cold enough to come romp around the Idaho woods with us for a day? Heck idk if I'll even be able to drive by then given recent complications with.. well... driving. ---------------- Now playing: Giving Up By Ingrid Michaelson via FoxyTunes
  11. Hey you gonna make it next weekend?

  12. So if I did this correctly, this should be the location we're going to. Let me know if I messed up http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&q=47.821948,-116.656587&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl
  13. Hey so are you gonna try to make it to the Poor Man Run? :D

    Don't worry you don't need a crazy good offroading rig for it. My Loyale is stock. We're just gonna be playin' around in the mud. :)

  14. +1000 What they said! Glad to hear you've seen the light and you want to learn for yourself. That's great! I probably know less about this stuff than even you do... but as far as wagon or sedan... living in Spokane and likely utilizing PnS often, I'd recommend a wagon. They seem much more prevalent in there so if you're needing parts, that's your best bet. I have a 93 Loyale and I've gone in there a few times for stuff. Welcome to the Board!
  15. Most everyone on the board would be willing to save a subie. Your best bet would be starting a thread on it in the appropriate area (old gen; new gen; etc) and explaining what needs work. I know a few people in the area who are looking for work and have an immense knowledge of subies. I'm sure you could find a mutually beneficial relationship. also be sure to use the search funtion on here. that said- do we have a head count on the poor man run???
  16. Those are Dank! They're like the pocket protectors of Subarus!
  17. My windshield was SATH a long time ago and as for the black RTV... it was not the trim, it was the groove I was filling in. It's just dripping at the top of the windshield stright down onto the st.wheel and seat. I'm wondering if maybe it's getting in around the top of the door and maybe somehow inside the roof, draining? IDK the anatomy of my car very well... lol Thankfully it's been pretty dry this week.... Maybe, Quid - let me know when you get a pic of the ducctape thing? I'd like to see it before I attempt it...
  18. That's awesome! And yes - the green definitely does it justice! I'm gonna be doing something like this to my rig soon I hope! Great job!
  19. Don't know if this will be of any help or not... but that's what mine was doing too. I unbolted the pump and jiggled the wires. I was told they sometimes just have sucky connections... and it's worked great ever since! Maybe I was lucky, hope yours is as easy of a fix! Good luck!
  20. Man that really bites! I've felt that pain before! Nice work with the ductape though! Make sure to post some after pix once you get this all sorted out - best of luck to ya!
  21. Hey you did! That's awesome! We didn't really take a pic of the crew did we? Bummer... did anyone get a shot of everybody who showed up?
  22. Lol I understand. I took a gun safety course in highschool. I'm a stickler about safety ;) That'd be cool though. I'm lookin forward to it!

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