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So I Totaled My Car...

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So on my way home from Seattle, I managed to total my car on the freeway last Saturday 10-2-10. The car hit the middle median/barrier and then flipped and spun on the passenger side started to go over completely, but then it somehow caught on the tires and righted it self facing the correct direction on the freeway.


I really don't know what happened to kick it all off, but this is what I do know. My wife and I were arguing and I was driving down the freeway at about 70mph, and I guess I drifted over towards the median and hit a bump on the side of the road and it jerked the wheel over to the left. So then I tried to correct, and I over corrected, which then caused me to try to correct again, which resulted in me over correcting again, and this happen two more times, and then when the momentum caught up with the car and it started spinning so I slammed on the brakes, and when I did that it dipped the front of the car and it slammed into the median which then caused it to start to roll on to the passenger side. At this point we were facing the opposite direction. "Luckily" we continued to spin, and then the wheels caught somehow and we slammed down on all 4 wheels and stopped facing the correct direction on the freeway. We got really lucky. I walked away with nothing but soreness, and my wife is beat up from flopping around in the car with nothing to hold onto, and when the car was on its side sliding, the passenger window broke out which caused her arm to get some road rash from scrapping against the ground. She was smart enough to reach up and grab me and hold onto me pulling herself up off the ground. So she has a bit of road rash and some glass puncture wounds, but nothing very deep. So all in all, we got SUPER lucky. We could have easily been hit by other cars, or hit another car, but we didn't. It was just us.


So after going to the chiropractor and urgent care, we got some good drugs and we are just relaxing and thankful to be here.


Here's what my car looked like before the accident:








And after the accident:


















Here's my wife's road rash:










It's funny, but the car still actuallly starts and drives. I drove it off the trailer :lol: So the poor thing really isn't dead :lol: But it is totalled for sure. The passenger side control arm is bent about 60 degrees up, and it's moved back about 3", so all that needs to be replaced, the A pillar is gone, and the passenger side is all messed up. But all things considered, it doesn't look all that bad.


So now I am on the hunt for a new car. This time though I am go with a 90-94 Subaru Legacy. It's a great platform to start off with, and I actually like the lifted Legacy's more than my car, so in the end this will work out. I just sucks to lose a car you put so much effort into to make it your own, only to have to tear it all out. But at least I am still walking, so I am very thankful for that :)


I will be parting the car out as well, so if anyone needs anything off my turbo, let me know. I will post in the for sale section as well once I get around to it :rolleyes:


I will probably update with more pics in the next few days as I remove gear and what not, and probably to correct some errors, as I have taken some muscle relaxers and I am doing great right now! :)


Oh, and I suggest not rolling your car, its no fun at all.

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That'll teach you to argue with her! Technically you didn't roll, you just layed it on it's side. Rolling can be much more violent, so you got way lucky on that.


I'd suggest taking a "performance" driving course. There's ones offered where you spend a weekend thrashing the ************ out of fwd and rwd cars on obstacle courses and soaped pavement for car control. Can do great things for your reflexes in responding to a skid like that.

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Well, it did roll for sure, I was upside down looking at the ground, it just didn't roll completely over, it stopped on the top of the A pillar. Maybe "roll" isn't the right word, but we were upside for about 2 seconds for sure. I was aware and conscious for the whole thing. Kinda freaky...


Ya, I have thought about taking one of those courses before, but I think it was mainly I wasn't focused on driving, and that was the biggest problem. I manage to not hit the brakes and I tried to ride it out, but the back just got squirely to handle it, and I hit the brakes when I new the car was going to spin backwards hoping for the best at that point. But I think I am going to look into them either way...


The main thing I learned is that you should be paying attention to driving and not worrying about other things, period. It all can wait. I was very fortunate in that my stupid mistake only hurt my wife and I, and not some random stranger. Thank goodness for that. I am still mad that my wife got hurt and not me, but I am thankful that no one was seriously injured. That's the most important thing.

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glad you guys weren't hurt. Look on the bright side, even with all the destruction, your rims are still good, your aux lights are in tact and it still runs and moves under its own power. :)


I hit a curb (fresh rain washed up oil) in my 93 lego and drove it into a gas station with the control arm bent and tire into the fender. 15 bucks at a junk yard later, and I was rolling again.


I just hate to see it wasted like that.

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I hate to see it wasted as well, so if someone wants to buy it whole, then throw me an offer. I just don't have the resources, space, money, or time to build it into a rig. I need a DD first, then a toy, and unfortunately I also need money :-\ So if I can't sell it whole, then I will part it out and send it off to the JY. Totally sucks, but I really don't have another choice right now. This accident happened at a very BAD time in our lives, and what is most important is me getting another car and coming up with money for that to happen. Make me really sad/mad that this happened :(


Thanks for all the support guys!

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The main thing I learned is that you should be paying attention to driving and not worrying about other things, period.


haa it sucks it has to be that way.. i wont text i wont look when people say "LOOK" i wont turn around to look in the back seat (baby)


i learned this lesson a few times over. once in iraq driving a humvee on camp al taqqadum nosed it right into a "ditch" slammed so hard i swore my collar bone was fractured.


im glad your okay don. i wanna say dont sell or part it. i can fix it. but im guessing your ready to move on...


ill add this for the poor rig...


it saved your life, you should save it.



im serious bring it up to the shop, ill put it on jacks in the back corner take all the bent/broken parts off tally up a list and you can go from there....... i loved your wagon :(

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Glad you're ok Don. That was the one you drove up to Scotts with the paddle shifters? If any of my spares were mobile, I'd lend you one to drive. Both need HGs though... There's plenty of parts at the PAP in Tacoma. I was just out there. If True2Blue is serious about doing the repair, I can help you out with time and a little cash to get the necessary parts from PAP. I know how things are for you needing a rig.

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I'm sorry to hear that, and I second some sort of driving course. I've been in the over-correcting situation a few times, and it's amazing how easily you can get out of it if you push on the gas pedal. It's weird, but it works.


I'll offer my transportation services if you find buyers for some of your stuff in Portland. I'm thinking the rear disc and paddle shifter setups would be pretty desirable.



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^^ Glad to see you both survived! At least it was just the car that got totaled. That road rash is pretty small compared to to how bad it would be were it 2" deeper!:eek: I shaved my forehead to my knee with a small brake at the neck in an bike accident once and I was shocked to see how fast you can heal. (the knee was deep and took a while but I didn't have much left to start with.:-\) I wish you and yours a speedy recovery and good things to come. You'll be fighting less I'll bet!

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If True2Blue is serious about doing the repair, I can help you out with time and a little cash to get the necessary parts from PAP. I know how things are for you needing a rig.


I am serious. Don is a good guy.


My shop is ready.


I have all the tools you'll need and when it come down to the fine stuff like body work and paint. Matco is on speed dial.


My tools are your tools don


You dont HAVE to part your SUBARU out. and you damn sure dont have to pay to have it fixed. you'd be surprised how fast i have the front of the car taken off.


And if someone will lend you a rig


"If any of my spares were mobile, I'd lend you one to drive. Both need HGs though..."


Bring it up and lets do a HG job and/or what ever else it needs.


Anything to get you going again.




i have a couch, internet with desktop and laptop, a full size bed, shower, fridge, "kitchen sink" with dishes and food. its basically a studio right here on the side of the shop if you wanna come up and dont wanna drive back and fourth.

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that's an easy fix to keep it driving, but he'll probably want it to look good based on the before pictures, that will be the hard (cost and time effective) part.


he doesn't need a core support or cross member. those are barely tweaked from the photo's. that'll pull right out.


i got rear EA struts if you need those parts they're free. i don't have any EA front stuff. might have an XT6 front swaybar, it's yours free if you need it for this fix and i still have one.

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wow, glad to hear that you two are ok. scary though for sure. the last time i went down on my bike at high speed was a real eye opener. hang in there dude.


and the community support here is incredible, kinda speechless at all the offers of help. makes me feel good.



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As much as some people say fix that..... it's not worth it. You will need a front clip from the strut towers forward and at least that A pillar..... you are talking about a lot of labor in cutting, fitting, and welding. I've done partial front clips before and if you are careful it can look alright but it will never be the same again - and it will be worth basically nothing having been through that much damage repair (heck it wasn't worth a whole lot in pristene condition). At the end of the day it will be worth *maybe* $800 to $1000 and there's more than that sitting there in labor, bondo, paint, etc.


From purely the $ involved - it's a poor investment of time and resources. That's all I'm saying.



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Oh yeah, it'll never be the same again, but you could make it drivable and street legal in a weekend of yanking and hammering. Might make sense just to get it drivable so you aren't in a bind for a car. Then keep an eye out for an acceptable replacement.


That way you won't be in a rush and won't be stuck without wheels. Sure, it may hurt pride to ride around in a wreck, but transportation is transportation.


The control arm and the strut rod can fold up really bad without trashing the body or crossmember. I've folded up a few offroad, and with a fresh strut rod and a bit of tweaking on the crossmember your good to go again.

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As much as some people say fix that..... it's not worth it. You will need a front clip from the strut towers forward and at least that A pillar..... you are talking about a lot of labor in cutting, fitting, and welding. I've done partial front clips before and if you are careful it can look alright but it will never be the same again - and it will be worth basically nothing having been through that much damage repair (heck it wasn't worth a whole lot in pristene condition). At the end of the day it will be worth *maybe* $800 to $1000 and there's more than that sitting there in labor, bondo, paint, etc.


From purely the $ involved - it's a poor investment of time and resources. That's all I'm saying.




not everyone is about money im offering to fix it for free hes a friend. i made my reply thinking this car has some sentimental value to him. thats priceless to some people. and you cant honestly say the whole clip needs replacing youve only seen pictures. anyways i have access to a frame rack.


if its not worth it don... tell me to shut up :lol:


id do anything to get my subaru back. if i get hired at subaru this will be job # 3. it means that much to me :)


(i could just buy another gl for $250 fix it and lift it for LESS but i want MY subaru back)

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Oh yeah, it'll never be the same again, but you could make it drivable and street legal in a weekend of yanking and hammering. Might make sense just to get it drivable so you aren't in a bind for a car. Then keep an eye out for an acceptable replacement.


+1. I would totally do that. It will look like hammered $hit but it will get you around. An afternoon of pulling and hammering is worth it for wheels. Plus you might be able to sell it to someone after you do enough work to get it to hold headlight buckets straight, etc. Not for much, but someone will want a $500 turbo wagon that you have put all that effort into.



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not everyone is about money im offering to fix it for free hes a friend. i made my reply thinking this car has some sentimental value to him. thats priceless to some people.


It's a car - it's a hunk of metal. Your family, your health, and your welfare are more important. This falls *at least* under the welfare catagory. Foolishly spending money on valueless material objects because you think they have "sentimental" value is bordering on a metal disorder. That's how people turn into hoarders. They feel that if they throw away the object they are somehow throwing away all the pleasant memories associated with that object. That's a sign of someone that needs to seek counseling.....


and you cant honestly say the whole clip needs replacing youve only seen pictures. anyways i have access to a frame rack.


I can honestly say it and I honestly mean it. That NEEDS a front clip. The whole driver's side crumple zone is trashed. I've had to put a front clip on one that was damaged far less than that.



id do anything to get my subaru back. if i get hired at subaru this will be job # 3. it means that much to me :)


(i could just buy another gl for $250 fix it and lift it for LESS but i want MY subaru back)


That's a diseased mentality. I'm sorry but it's an '80s japanese station wagon.... it's never going to be worth much and it's certainly not worth being needlessly poorer over - I would rather blow my money on a vaction with family.


If it's a hobby - great. But you still have to budget for hobbies and you can't let them interfere with things like primary transportation, etc. And (at least for me) it would be nice if the hobby saved me money or netted me something I couldn't otherwise afford. That wagon meets none of the qual's IMO.



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Front clip from PAP: $67 I know because I cut one recently. I agree though, maybe an A pillar and strut tower. I think we need to get a first hand look at it, let Don know what we're offering and let him make the decision. I'd fix it, but then again I love fabbing and I'm a glutton for punishment. As far as HGs on the XT; I can do them, it's just a time issue. Not to mention, I'd have to title it, license and insure it for him to drive. It's kinda ratty but straight and runs good. Just pressurizes the cooling system and gets warm. A year ago I resealed the engine, put in a clutch, radiator, brakes and axles on all 4 corners, belts and a tune-up. If he needs a car, then we move on it.


GD, We're offering to get the parts for him and work for free to make sure he gets transportation. Without getting into details, they can't afford a car or to fix this one. This is about getting mobile....

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