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So I Totaled My Car...

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GD, We're offering to get the parts for him and work for free to make sure he gets transportation. Without getting into details, they can't afford a car or to fix this one. This is about getting mobile....


I understand. Don's been in contact with me about a replacement vehicle down the line and I'm going to keep my eye out for something.


I agree that fixing it enough to make it driveable again is not without merrit. I just don't think that fixing it *right* and keeping it long-term is a worthwhile goal. It will NEVER be the same again. It will always be a damaged unit.



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I understand his mentality, and it could be my same disease...


But So far since my 1992 Subaru from my dad, Ive owned and driven a 1998 Mitsubishi, 1984 GL wagon and (driven) another 1992 Loyale and now owning a 1984 DL Sedan. None of these cars feel like "mine" had. But it was mostly because my Dad gave it to me when he moved to Arizona and I had wrenched on it for 8 years with him... So I understand it, perhaps if my Dad came up and wrenched on my 84 with me, it would feel more like mine?


Thats my .02.

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Besides a front clip, it also need passenger side doors, the A-pillar pulled or replaced so a new windshield can be installed, and whatever suspension damage might have occured. Could be as bad as the engine crossmember being bent somewhere too.


If it was me, I would either sell the whole car for parts OR, find a decent roller and swap the drivetrain into it. If you swap it, it'll still have sentimental value to it since the drivetrain came from a car that saved you and your wife's life. Can't get more sentimental then that.

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Wow guys, I can't believe the support I have gotten so far, thanks! You all have made my day a little brighter :) I really can't believe you guys, that's awesome.


I will take some more pics here in a little bit and show the drivers side a little bit better, and try to get some better shots of the suspension damage as well. I really don't want to get rid of my car, but I need to be sensible with the little money that I do have.


I also am not car less. I am lucky in the fact that I work graveyards, and my wife works during the day, so we can totally share her car no problem. So I can still get around. I also have my motor cycle and my MR2, so if I really needed a car, I could dump about $250 into a new axle and ball joint and it would be good to go again. But thats more money I don't really have.


And then there's the issue of money... My bank, the bank of Mom ;), will probably only give me money for a new to me car. She won't want me riding around in a "totalled" car.


And then even if I were to fix it, my trans is going out, and my motor has 215K on it on top of it being an EA82T, so all those things are going to need replacing at some point here soon, which was all part of my plan and I didn't really mind doing that. But now it's just not really worth all the hassle. I really wish I had more space to store it, I would just keep it and make it a wheeler, but I don't have anywhere I can just dump it and come back to it later. That and I would have to replace the passenger side glass to make sure that the interior wouldn't get ruined and critters living it, so I would still have to shell out money for that. Not to mentioned that I have already had to shell out $500 just to get the car into my garage, so I am already in the hole. I figured I can probably part it out and take it to the JY and at least recoup my money for that. It's makes me really sad to think that way, but I HAVE to be practical. With all the personal troubles I have had in the last few months, I can't be throwing anymore money at a car that won't be my permanent DD :( It really makes me sad :(


The car really isn't that sentimental to me, it was just a great car that I really liked. It did it's job and save my wife and I, and for that I am eternally gratefully to it. But the timing just sucks rump roast.


So when I weigh all my options I am kinda left with no choice but to try to recoup my costs so far and then move on :( I did learn a lot from this car though, so I am also thankful for that. I just wish things in my life were different and maybe I could keep it around, but I just can't.


I will throw up some more pics here shortly, and thanks again guys, your support is overwhelming and mind boggling that you all would just offer stuff up for free to get me back on the road. That is just sooo cool of all of you, thank you so much for the offers, but I would rather see all those good parts live on in another car. I know that at some point if I was to fix it I would be selling it because it just won't make me happy, so that's the main reason why I don't want to take your guys' parts. I would feel bad taking all these donations and then wanting to get rid of it and then selling it and that would not be the right thing to do.


Thanks again guys, you all made my day a little brighter, and trust me that's hard to do right now, so thanks! :)

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If it was me, I would find a decent roller and swap the drivetrain into it. If you swap it, it'll still have sentimental value to it since the drivetrain came from a car that saved you and your wife's life. Can't get more sentimental then that.


I like it. another automatic turbo wagon! with dead ea82t, the things are freakin CHEAP!

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So after talking with my Dad and my grandma, I now have $2500 for a new car! :banana: So I got GD looking out for me for a good legacy :)


So I will be getting a legacy for sure :grin: This was finally some good news to come my way!


So I will be parting out my turbo for sure :( It does make me sad to get rid of the poor guy, but I just don't have the room :( It's actually going to be kinda hard to see him go, he was a good car. He did is job and kept my wife and I safe, so what more could I ask for out of the guy? Does kinda bring a tear to my eye to have to part him out, but I just don't have another choice. I already have my MR2 as a project car, I just can't take on another one. I am just thankful that I am still able to write this, and that's all due to Mr. Roo.


If someone wants to buy the car whole, that's fine with me. I will be making a thread in the for sale section here shortly...


Thanks all for the support and offering to get me on the road. I really needed that right after my accident, so thank you all for showing me that you guys care. It's a great feeling to have so many "strangers" and people I have never met wish me the best, it's a really good feeling, so thank you all for that. Like I said, you all made this hard time for me just a little bit better :)


I haven't taken any more pics yet, but I am going to tomorrow, so I will then post them up. I will also post back with the car I end up getting!


Thanks again all!

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So after talking with my Dad and my grandma, I now have $2500 for a new car! :banana: So I got GD looking out for me for a good legacy :)


So I will be getting a legacy for sure :grin: This was finally some good news to come my way!


So I will be parting out my turbo for sure :( It does make me sad to get rid of the poor guy, but I just don't have the room :( It's actually going to be kinda hard to see him go, he was a good car. He did is job and kept my wife and I safe, so what more could I ask for out of the guy? Does kinda bring a tear to my eye to have to part him out, but I just don't have another choice. I already have my MR2 as a project car, I just can't take on another one. I am just thankful that I am still able to write this, and that's all due to Mr. Roo.


If someone wants to buy the car whole, that's fine with me. I will be making a thread in the for sale section here shortly...


Thanks all for the support and offering to get me on the road. I really needed that right after my accident, so thank you all for showing me that you guys care. It's a great feeling to have so many "strangers" and people I have never met wish me the best, it's a really good feeling, so thank you all for that. Like I said, you all made this hard time for me just a little bit better :)


I haven't taken any more pics yet, but I am going to tomorrow, so I will then post them up. I will also post back with the car I end up getting!


Thanks again all!


That's great news! The Legacy just begs to be called "Mr. Roo Two".



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I found a 1990 Legacy LS AWD Wagon w/ 146,xxx on it :grin:




I now have "Mr. Roo, Jr." :banana:


I am going to be sad not having an "old gen" car anymore (even though my 1990 is the same year as my "old" one :lol:) though.


So I guess this is my "good bye" to the old gen section, but I will probably still stick my head in here every once in a while. Thanks all for the help you have given me, and hopefully someday I can join the ranks of the old gen section again. I may gone for now, but I promise you I am not gone for good!


Until then, Thanks all!

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Only just saw this post. VERY GLAD to hear that you both escaped more serious injuries. Still, being thrown about in a car can leave some permanent damage, so be wary of headaches, dizziness, and problems concentrating. Sure signs of "whiplash". A good chiropraktor, oestopath, and cranio-sakral therapist are essential for lessening the effects.



It is, of course, too late for "good advice", but along with the suggestion futher up the thread, to stay on the throttle, there is another trick to rescuing a tank-slapper like that. Once you have swung form side to side and the car is starting it's own pendulum thing, pull the steering wheel straight, and stop correcting. Try to point it along the road...duh!...., but keeping the steering wheel still is the only way to stop the swinging.

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Only just saw this post. VERY GLAD to hear that you both escaped more serious injuries. Still, being thrown about in a car can leave some permanent damage, so be wary of headaches, dizziness, and problems concentrating. Sure signs of "whiplash". A good chiropraktor, oestopath, and cranio-sakral therapist are essential for lessening the effects.



It is, of course, too late for "good advice", but along with the suggestion futher up the thread, to stay on the throttle, there is another trick to rescuing a tank-slapper like that. Once you have swung form side to side and the car is starting it's own pendulum thing, pull the steering wheel straight, and stop correcting. Try to point it along the road...duh!...., but keeping the steering wheel still is the only way to stop the swinging.


Ya, both my wife and I saw a Chiropractor that monday, and started massage that day as well. I have totaled enough cars to know that it is very important to do that in order to avoid any more serious injury :)


Thanks for the tips, I am going to look into some sort of driving course over the winter. Best way to learn is in bad weather ;)

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Crap! Glad you both are OK. It's a shame to see another old gen go to the JY or be parted out, but it did it's job for sure.


Been offline for a while and totally missed this. Glad you found another good ride, and those are great wagons. Old GF had one - only problem we had was some funky air ride height shocks that were $$$ to replace. Otherwise ran great everywhere we wanted to go!


Good luck and will keep an eye out for you when you come back to the old gen side!



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Man, I've never even seen this thing in person, but I'm gonna miss it. Ha ha. I've sure enjoyed reading about the modifications (paddle shifters, etc) you've built into this thing. I'm thoroughly impressed.


My Outback poured out a little oil for a fallen comrade when she heard about this...


Two more things:

- It's great that you are both alive and well

- Chiropractic care is a dangerous, illegitimate practice with no medical backing. You should see a physical therapist. They're trained by doctors...with medical degrees. Chiropractors are hacks. ;)


Thanks :D Hopefully alot of my work can be transferred over, I am in the process now of figuring that all out :)


And about Chiropractics... I have always been a results oriented type of guy, and I could care less about how the result was achieved, as long as it was achieved. With that being said, after my first accident I went to my family doctor and then proceeded with physical therapy. After 6 months of no improvement, I decided to try anything, and tried chiropractics out just because I was in so much pain. Well my chiropractors office at the time was located in a building with physical therapy and massage therapy, all in one building. So all of them talked between each other about me and my progress. It was the best treatment I have had, and really only because of the chiropractic side of it. Physical therapy just didn't cut it alone.


No offense or anything, but chiropractic care was the only thing that helped me out. Like I said, I don't care how I get better as long as I get better, and I didn't start to get better until I went to the chiropractor, and to me that's more than enough reason to keep getting chiropractic care and to keep recommending it to people :)


Oh, and my Chiropractor does have an MD ;), so you can't really say he's not a doctor because he is... and his degree didn't come from a website either :)


But this isn't to say that all chiropractors are good ones. I have only gone to ones that friends and family have recommended and gone to before, and I haven't had a bad experience yet! So as long as you play it safe and do your research/homework, chiropractic care is no less safe than seeing your normal doctor.

Edited by eulogious
Just for True2Blue ;)
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Thanks :D Hopefully alot of my work can be transferred over, I am in the process now of figuring that all out :)



So as long as you play it safe and do your research/homework, chiropractic care is no less safe than seeing your normal doctor.


I can't wait to see a Gen I Legacy with your paddle shifters. ;)


And...if it works, I say go for it (I guesss....... lol). And I don't know about your primary care doctor, but mine doesn't twist my neck and punch me in the spine. :grin:

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so i take it you wont be needing my cargo cover??


glad you guys made it through alright.





My bad... No I probably won't be needing that guy ;) Sorry I didn't get ahold of you, I have had a few things going on since we last spoke :)


To bad it didn't workout, but thanks for offering it up man!

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I guess the thing that bothers me about chiropractic therapy is that...it never ends. It seems like people are patients for life. If they fixed stuff, you wouldn't need to go back 500 times! ha ha


/end hijack


:lol: And that is a good point, if it applied to me :) The last time I went to chiropractic treatment for anything was about a month before my accident because I threw my back out helping with a motor swap. Before that it's been about six years. They fixed me and I didn't need to go back for 6 years. Most people just continue to go not because they need it, but because it feels good :) But I am not like most people :grin:

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