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Please remember to Update your Posts..

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I can't tell you how many posts that I (and I am sure others as well) have read with people wanting help with their particular subie problems, issues, etc..


And after alot of people respond with their best suggestions..


They all seem to end with this....


"OK, well, I will try that this weekend (or whenever), and get back to you with the results."


And then they never (almost never it seems) to ever follow up with an UPDATE.!


Which leaves alot of us hanging on if it worked or not.

So, please UPDATE any posts that you start if you had a problem and found a solution. (or if you didnt)...


I know I am guilty of it too, but I am trying to update mine. (even after a year or so, LMAO.))~ sorry, i've been busy.


I think this will help us all immensly and cut back on repeat questions..

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So you really want to know if some of us were just too lazy to be bothered and just decide to run it the way it is?????:brow: I know I am bad with that.



LOL! My thoughts exactly... just drive it til something falls off... or it leaves you stuck in the cold!


I just had a no start problem with the '86 at work. Yes, it was the battery cable not making contact... there were only a few strands connected and it wasn't recharging.


Every single time I have gotten a used car, it has this condition? What's up with that?

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no offense - i appreciate that you want to be helpful - but I feel it's the responsibility of the person who posts the problem to keep the thread relevant if the problem persists.


It's better for someone to fix their car's problem and then forget to journal their solution than for us to monitor all or most problem threads for closure. If someone's inconvenienced enough by something, they (hopefully) know that they are welcome to keep their thread active as long as it takes for the problem to be resolved.


Repeat questions are going to come up no matter how thoroughly we discuss any problem. And whether a solution is found or not, the search function will give them the same jumpstart toward diagnosing their problem even if the threads aren't resolved.

There are so many people on the board that we have no choice but to leave people responsible for tracking their own threads and problems.

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