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Resist that ***************.


Connie... I had no idea you ever had it that bad. I really feel for you... that's terrible. You can bet that guy will probably die a horrible death.


As for the justice system... it's just ridiculous. It's a joke, plain and simple. We need to look at Great Britan for inspiration. They're giving their traffic cops ballet lessons so they direct traffic more gracefully. Meanwhile, America is training their cops how to shoot people. Hmmm... I wonder why we're becoming such a violent country?

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Resist that ***************.


Connie... I had no idea you ever had it that bad. I really feel for you... that's terrible. You can bet that guy will probably die a horrible death.


As for the justice system... it's just ridiculous. It's a joke, plain and simple. We need to look at Great Britan for inspiration. They're giving their traffic cops ballet lessons so they direct traffic more gracefully. Meanwhile, America is training their cops how to shoot people. Hmmm... I wonder why we're becoming such a violent country?

Hey Dude check again in Great Britan one is guilty until one proves themsleves innocent. If you want Britan's system I suggest you move. People left Europe came here and made a better country. Europe has nothing on us. Violence comes from the devaluation of human life not training cops or anyone eles to protect themsleves. Sorry to rant but when I hear people say the anywhere is better than here I gotta respond.

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Hmmm... I wonder why we're becoming such a violent country?


What do you mean becoming, violence is as much a part of america as apple pie .I am not trying to advocate it but if you think its bad here try living somewhere else lets say isreal. go to the gaza strip for a couple of weeks and you will return with a much deeper appreciation of what we have here.

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Hmmm... I wonder why we're becoming such a violent country?


What do you mean becoming, violence is as much a part of america as apple pie .I am not trying to advocate it but if you think its bad here try living somewhere else lets say isreal. go to the gaza strip for a couple of weeks and you will return with a much deeper appreciation of what we have here.


Yes pick your middle eastern country.




You think we are bad, go move to scotland. England and wales were second.


(2005 is the latest data).



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Joe,I'm very sorry about your situation. I sure do hope things change for the better,and soon.


My friend and I just had lunch earlier and were talking about the whole police/corruption/favoritism,etc. ordeal we live with. I'm in the middle of a little situation here too. Need a police report from an incident which happened over a month ago. Getting the run around...etc...I just know there's a connection issue here where the offender must be related or close to a cop.


What you said back there,entirely TRUE and I am presonally extremely proud to say I know you. That took balls,and I appreciate you coming out and saying what you did from your point of view. I commend you and applaud you. :headbang:


Downward spiral,we're circling the drain now. Good health to all and peace in your future.

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Thanks Paul I really appreciate your comments, All of you on the board that are thinking of me, it really means alot to me ...


Bucky thanks for offering to speak to the head of the Police Department where you live... I really mean it ..


I would love to move but being my father just passed away Im now the only one in my family left to help out my elderly relatives, I just cant leave as too many people depend on me, and I just dont feel right about nursing homes as I would not want to be in one...

I help me mother out and now that I lost my job she is worried and stressed out I had to call the ambulance today, Chest Pain and what not.. She is in the hospital ..

She was not in the best of health to begin with being on oxygen, she has COPD... and can barely walk 10 feet without being short of breath...


Paul I have been screwed twice by other cops, one when I was 16 years old... I was a passenger in a friends truck and we were hit broad side by a drunk driver, I was able to get out of the truck and had to ask one of the many cops that showed to take me to the hospital ..

Well I recall that when the Police first arrived they immediately went to the car that hit us. The driver a woman was visably drunk, that even a 16 year old could tell. They (The Police) carted her and her male companion off in a car right awya from the scene.

I stood there bleeding with glass in my arm..

We found at latter that SHE was not charged with DUI and that SHE was married and cheating on her husband with a off duty officer, he was the one in the car with her.. So no one was arrested, and I had to ask to be taken to a hospital, they didnt even call a ambulance for me, they transported me..

They covered it all up and the State Police and DA would noty look into it ...


Second thing was while I was working as a Deputy assisting another Police Department with traffic control for a Race Track Event. My partner and I were stationed at a intersection, it was daytime.. My partner was in the intersection directing and I was off to the side of the road standing waving traffic on. We had bright yellow police traffic vest and a marked car with the emergency lights going.

Some ********************* didnt like it that he had to drive slow in traffic, So as he approached the intersection my partner raised his hand to stop him so other traffic could proceed thru the intersection.

The guy hit the gas and almost hit my partner and I, he yelled ************ YOU PIGS out the window as I yelled for him to stop. My partner would have been hit by this car if he didnt jump out of the way...

I jumped in the car and chased him, got him pulled over and he jumped out of his car and charged back screaming. I had to thump his dumb rump roast on the hood of the patrol car and handcuff him. Since this was not my area, I called for the Township Police, They never arrested him for anything criminal because he was a relative of one of the cops in the township. I almost got killed and this ********************* walked away with a traffic fine and a non traffic fine... The guy takes a hearing and the judge tosses out the reckless driving charge, she found him guilty of Disorderly Conduct only, So we almost were killed and the guy got a lousy 300 dollar fine .. Heck I guess Im worth only half of that 300 bucks, that's all my life is worth ... I was pissed off ..


I used good judgement that day, reason being my training says I could have used deadly force on this ********************* when he tried to run over my partner. I could have shot him while he was driving thru the intersection that day at a high speed.


THE FIX WAS IN and it happens all the time ... I could write a book about all the crap I have seen ... Again I rarely tell anyone what I do, Im ashamed.. Not of the badge, but of some of the people that wear it.... Its crap like this that make people hate the police ....


Paul if you need a copy of a report and cant get one from the officer that investigated it, well it may be possible that he never did one .. Can you go to the head of the department and ask for a copy ?

Here most Police Departments charge for copies of reports.

You may have to get a attorney involved and ask him to subpoena the records you need.

You could try seeing the DA, some will help you, some wont ..


Im sorry Bucky, Paul for your experience with the Police ...


I can honestly say that when I worked the street I hated speed details, I would give people wayyyy above the required 6 or 10 mph, just depends on the area and traffic and time of day, school zone as to how I judged stuff...

I felt how can I cite someone for speeding when I speed myself. So I use to write alot of warnings, and if I did cite it was always a cheaper non-point violation.. The only way the guy would get a point violation from me is if he smart mouthed me on the stop.. I know alot of cops that did this the same way, but some well they would arrest there own mother.

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You might get screwed on the unemployment - the whole government agency thing could come into play. They tend to protect each other so it depends on some factors beyond your control.


The good part is that you do have a legitamate argument in their lack of oversight of the login/password situation. Since many people were using your login and password, they have no real proof that you did any of the "surfing" that they claim you did. That, in conjunction with the lack of warning should put enough doubt into the situation for you to get benefits without too much trouble - assuming the employment department isn't scratching the back of the police department.


Play up the their lack of oversight, that many people were using your login/password out of a neccesity to perform their work, and that this was not addressed before the termination - even after you requested it to be. Couple that with the 8 simultaneous terminations and I think anyone investigating your claim would have to side with you on this.



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