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Highest rev?

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I've had all incarnations of EA81's and EA82's to valve float. Never damaged one from it. I had a rod through the block of an EA81 once but it wasn't RPM related. None of them can make it to rod burst speeds in stock form. A member here that was into engineering once postulated that the rod burst speed is somewhere north of 11,000



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well, i was driving while talking on my cell phone and took my car to 7200 rpm in second, then asked the passenger to get third gear while i pushed in the clutch, he shifted it into first and i dumped the clutch, and i threw a rod, like a week later, not sure if it was related or not. this was in an 89 xt6 er27 motor

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When I first got my Brumby with the EA81 dual carb motor I tested it on a dirt road in 4WD low. Before I knew it it was about 8,200RPM and still going up freely. Now the engine has trouble going above 6500rpm while driving. That will change though when I build it up. It's just sitting in the shed now gathering dust.

EJ22 cuts out at somthign like 7,200rpm? So thats the maximum from that.

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Man, I know Subaru engines are made for high rev's but why would you want to go that high?? I mean 8000rpm just free reving!:eek: And 7700 in 3rd! damm that's pushing it a little hard don't you think..... All i can say is i guess there's no carbon buildup in your engine Hahahahahahaha:lol:

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Hit over 7k in traffic, in 4low in wonderful Auburn trying to get from I5 north to the left hand lane of 18 west to make a left turn. Scared some people, and the car burned oil worse after that for a couple miles.

My old Hatch, in RWD.


I did blow a 390 when the motor mount broke, pinning the throttle wide open until it dropped a valve at about 6500rpm. Cracked the block, bent the rod, shattered the piston, and hydrolocked a cylinder on the other side bending that rod. Didn't trust the crank, so couldn't even save that.

Somewhere I have pictures where you can see light through the crack in the block.

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