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Everything posted by Numbchux

  1. I'm still only available the 21-22 (if I don't do the drivetrain swap that weekend)
  2. I'd just like to say, this is all great information. You'll be fine doing it all yourself. I just have a couple tricks, a special tool isn't needed to wind the caliper back in, just a 1" or larger box wrench if you have one (if you don't you might as well just buy the right part), and for taking out the spring pin to disconnect the axle from the transmission, take an extra medium-sized screwdriver, and cut off the end so it's just a flat end and this works great for popping that pin out. Also, axles are easy, I rebuilt a DOJ in probably less than a couple hours of actual work (sure it took a few days waiting for parts, amek sure that you have everything BEFORE you start, it's alot easier). A week or so ago I replaced the axle on the other side in probably less than an hour and a half or so. A little confidence and a Haynes manual should get you through it, and if you run into something weird give it a few hours posted on here and you'll probably get a good answer from someone who's run into the same problem! Good luck! and may you learn alot! -Chux
  3. The GL didn't have an A/C belt when I bought it (~2k miles ago) tried to put it on yesterday, found the tensioner was seized, so, still no belt, still no problems. -Chux HA!! just noticed that 3 of the 4 replies are from good ol' MN. hmmm...... kinda makes ya think
  4. Well, I bought a piece of pipe to slip over the two ends and reconnect the y-pipe to the muffler. Nothin, It's not making it to the end of the y-pipe. That will definately need to be delt with. Is there a way around the O2 Sensor? I may try to attach my dad's old EA81 Y-pipe that's in the rafters of the garage, but it doesn't have a place for the sensor. I'll give it a shot in the morning.
  5. I don't know what I think, on one hand he butchered a perfectly good car, but on the other, I can see myself doing that. COOL!!!
  6. Well, I was at my local Holiday Stationstore this morning getting some cool caffeine for my afternoon of replacing the front struts on my dad's caravan when I decided to try some sea foam and some carb cleaner. and it helped alot, it still goes off occasionally but not nearly as bad. I'm heading up to our lake cabin in Alexandria later this week and there's a good junkyard up there so I will be putting a Y-pipe on the list of things to look for. So maybe NEXT week some time morgan, though I think I can handle a Y-pipe swap, thanks anyway for the offer. -Chux
  7. I will try a new Y-pipe, but like I said, the backfiring has only been a problem for about a week now, and the exhaust has been in this condition for almost two months!!
  8. well, the ASV's are very much disabled, and it's better, but still not cured. I think that was just a "treat the symptom" fix, I'd rather get the unburned fuel out of the exhaust than just make less air for it to burn. Anyway, could it be just the extreme lack of backpressure? I knew Carbed motors ran better with backpressure (not like putting a coffee can on your honda) but I didn't think they'd try to blow themselves to bits. Also, my exhaust has been in this condition for more than a month now, and the backfiring was VERY rare until the beginning of this week (about the time I swamped it the last time , hmmmm...). Any other ideas?!? thanks for all the help -Chux
  9. maybe I'll just stick with plugging the hoses. Usually when I use a hammer to try to fix something, more things end up broken -Chux
  10. Aug. 21-22 is the only one there that I can make it to, and I REALLY want to go!
  11. well, I checked the timing this morning, it was just shy of 10* (is there a way to put in a degree sign), so I adjusted it back to almost right on 8* and it seemed the same just for the around the block test drive (except for a bit more low end torque, nice) but this evening I went to a friends house and I think it was better, but maybe it was just a coincidence. I don't know, I'll check out the asv if I have time in the morn. Morgan, I'm pretty busy this weekend, but have nothing next week, when are you available (assuming I don't figure it out by then)? I'll give you a call and we'll see what we can find out.
  12. At first I thought it was kind of funny, but now that my exhaust has broken off after the Y-pipe, and the backfires have started coming between every shift it's getting kind of old (like having a gun go off in the passenger seat with every shift). And I think my mileage is suffering as well. I was suspecting a vacuum leak before, could this be related? if so, where should I start in that nest of vacuum lines? if not, WHAT IS IT? I'd like to make this thing run better so any info/experience before I start taring into stuff would be much appreciated! -Chux
  13. all i needed, thanks! For future reference, it's the front springs from an 86-89 accord that fit on the back of the subie. -Chux
  14. I'm sure there are TONS of posts about this, but I kept running in circles with the search engine so just answer me this, what exaclty am I looking for? Front springs off an accord will raise the back end of my wagon, that's all I know so any more info would be welcome! -Chux
  15. uh....oops , how about twice that? well, I'm alive aren't I? and my subi's in one piece
  16. one USMB decal, and one 8" white 4WD decal please would like to pay by mail so please PM your address thanks -Chux
  17. from a friend, just passing it along i am currently in the market for a decent set of coilovers. i have been on ebay and all i see is 2.5 rs and wrx springs. some of the 2.5rs one are labelled as "95-01 impreza 2.5rs". my question is will these springs work on my 95 LX. there are also some on there that say "97-01 on impreza 2.5rs wrx" thanks for any and all advice
  18. also, won't putting 25-26" tires on stock suspension hit my wheel well alot?
  19. sounds great, so one more question, wheres the best place to look for pugs? I haven't looked at all, but would assume that a junkyard would be my best bet, am I right? thanks so much!
  20. ok, but how hard is it to do the 3AT -> 5spd conversion? and, if an actual lift isn't the way to go, How would you recommend getting a few more inches of ground clearance. Would just bigger tires get me what I want? Would the restricted suspension travel be worth it? What's the answer here?
  21. Here's the deal, I have a '92 Loyale 3AT FWD in solid Mechanical Condition, and an '85 GL 5spd D/R with some nasty rust issues (frame collapsing, almost no safe place to put jack stands anymore without risk of punching holes) and some engine problems (25 mpg max, almost no power, suspected vacuum leak). Should I put the 5spd D/R tranny and drivetrain/suspension under the Loyale and TBI motor? Or just fix the vacuum leak and drive the GL into the ground and sell the loyale? and if I do make these two good cars into one sweet car and one pile o' parts, should I lift it? I don't need/want much, but I have bottomed out a couple times and would like to have a bit more clearance, I'm thinking the BYB 3" and some larger tires on stock rims, is it worth it? or is there an easier/more sensible way to get a couple more inches of clearance? What do yall think?
  22. I second that Also, this might be different on the EA81's but I don't remember the Haynes manual seperating them, the sending unit on my EA82 Wagon is on the top of the tank, but is accessable by peeling back the carpet in the cargo area. Little lump just to the right of center w/3 screws around it, but, like I said, this may very well be different on yours
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