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Everything posted by LosDiosDeVerde86

  1. yeah, probably, but i'm just saying that it's possible to have poor alignment WIHTOUT adverse handling. let's see...i guess it was the first year i had my car that the front caster was off exactly equally and opposite like this: / \ by about a little less than a degree or so, so the car went straightt and handled normally, but wore a set of tires out in about 6 months.
  2. thats a bit of misinformation. it's true that normally tires will tell you the story of the alignment, but sometimes the alignment is off in a way that it wears the tires evenly, but faster than it should.
  3. the only way a tire place will uphold the factory warentee is if there's a malfunction in the tire (belts breaking/ tread blocks coming off/ etc) or is there is 100% EVEN wear on ALL 4 TIRES and wore faster than the X0,000 mile warentee is. so, you need and even less than 2/32nds on ALL 4 tires to get any kind of proration. and yes, get an alignment. and remember, just because it doesn't pull to one side doesn't mean your alignment's ok.
  4. yeah. there really is. if you drive a legacy with the 2.2 and then the 2.5, there's a noticeable amount of extra spunk in the 2.5 but i think the 2.2 isn't as rough. i think i'll always prefer the 2.2, at least until i have no choice bu to get the 2.5.
  5. yeah, with the size you're looking at, you'd have a hard time finding anything less than 50 bucks per tire. buying 4 sets of those a year is more expensivethan 1 set of good tires every year to 3 years.
  6. Good Year Tripple Treads are made for people in your situation. and they're warenteed at 80k miles.
  7. yes, how are thing where you live? safe, i hope?
  8. i know that this has been posted before, but this is the only story you need about Subaru AWD vs Other "AWD" http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3740793435090003140&q=subaru+vs+volvo a video's worth (at least) 3.6 million words.
  9. how about i put it on my server and you can download it. it will take a while (about 50 some odd megs) but it'll be quicker than usps, and personally, i'd love to work with a bunch of other videos and compile a larger movie. i've actually gotten much better since i made that. i've got a few other examples of some things i've done if you're interested.
  10. thanks. i know it's not the coolest thing in the world, but i think it's fun.
  11. yeah, that was the first video i'd ever edited. things have gotten better now, but they're not subie related videos, so i wont bother posting them here.
  12. hey guys. here's a video slideshow i made last year using pictures i got off of USMB. i appologize for the quality, YouTube kinda killed it. if anyone wants the high quality version of it, PM me and i'll post is for you on my computer for you to download. CAN YOU SPOT YOUR RIG?
  13. i sense you're being sarcastic. you're wrong. they're a factory option is my 1996 subaru accessory cataloge. they attatch to the metal.
  14. no one was asking how to calculate. we're not idiots. btw, the fuel light is programed to do that. it will turn on and off once or twice as a warning before it turns on solidly.
  15. i was getting a consistant 16-17mpg until i replaced my MAF sensor and it imediately shot up to around 22-24. there were so symptoms of a bad sensor for 4 years (of 17mpg's) until one day a few months ago it went kaput.
  16. exactly. everything aside from awd/4wd/realtime awd/quatro are just simplified coverups for the systems aformentioned.
  17. i concur with all that's been said. after 1/2 tank with my 96 it shoots right down to 1/4 tank than pegged at E. then i get about another 100 miles or so before i get conerned and then the light comes on (as nipper said) like clockwork. i also base my mpg on my trip tick. i reset it every time i fill up and around 260-280 miles i fill up. (adjusting for my 12% larger tire size; the actual mileage is around 291-313)
  18. i was thinking of taking off the LS badge on mine..just because it's no longer an LS. with larger tires and a strut lift, it's more of a 2.2 SUS.
  19. never had a problem with them, and have never heard complaints like this in 2.5 years working at an independant GY. but then again, the regatta 2's have been replaced by the comfortread
  20. so, my wife could possibly give me the OK on a snorkle soon... i want to make it look nice, so i'd like to not use PVC. what kinds of ideas are out there on non-pvc snorkles (aside from fabbing an actual snorkle)?
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