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North Ursalia

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Everything posted by North Ursalia

  1. Foamy coolant usually indicates a bad head gasket. The location you're finding coolant dripping in only serves to strengthen the suspicion I'm afraid.
  2. I don't think anyone here 'needs' to do anything, especially when you have so little to back up your argument. I have to point out that it's 'niche' btw Because of the need to homologate the system for the WRC, and because of their successes in the WRC with said system. How? The Audi Quattro system was around loooooong before Subaru's AWD system- they got kicked out of WRC competition for it. Your Acura by definition is a niche car- it is the Honda "luxury" line available to the USA- it doesn't even exist in the country it is produced in. Right- different price class; most Subarus cost about $10k less than AWD equipped Audi's. Subaru never claimed to have the most luxurious interiors, nor do they pretend to. Nor do they claim any vehicle they produce to be a luxury car/line. They are durable and utilitarian, without being a Freightliner
  3. My 84 Brat did that, and it was a bad EGR valve. I had to hold the gas down at a stoplight or it would stall out.
  4. The Subaru pump is dirt cheap. I would however suggest you pull your washer nozzles off and try hitting the spray button- the nozzles clog fairly easily, especially if you mix your washer fluid with water and have hard water in your area.
  5. I can look things up if you want as well- anyone can shoot me a PM or an email to brian@subaruwrxparts.com and I'll be happy to find where things are within Subaru of America, what they fit, and/or how much .
  6. That's not entirely correct- chipping cars doesn't mean just turning up boost, and naturally aspirated cars definitely can reap benefits from chipping. You can also adjust fuel and timing curves in addition to upping boost . That being said, there is no 'chip' for your Legacy I'm afraid .
  7. Nope, I guarantee you turkey's are more stupid . I have to, on occasion, get out and chase turkeys off my driveway. The Hella Supertones used to work to move them- the fact that a moving hunk of steel was coming right for them sure didn't
  8. It's a pain in the rump roast, but the bulbs are dirt cheap. They are one of the parts that follow the "price vs. ease of install" rule; if it costs the same as a kidney, it will be easy to install. If it costs $0.35, it will take a month and a pint of blood to get it installed .
  9. The KB002305 is a serial number, not a part number. If the center barrel is around an inch from one side to the other, it's a New Age shifter (02+). If it's significantly closer to 2" it's and old skool (97-01) shifter. They take about 3 minutes to put in, so even if you aren't sure about, you can find out for less time than it takes to make a cup of coffee .
  10. The last year of the BRAT was indeed 89. The T tops were available straight through the end of production. So speaketh the Subaru parts book
  11. The 5MT from a WRX has the correct final drive ratio for the SVX- it even shares the same 3.54 rear diff. One of the guys on NASIOC.com just recently completed the swap.
  12. Sorry to hear of your loss, as my RX died in much the same fashion, but if you can get a TT Legacy and make it legal in North America, please do tell :-).
  13. I see that I'm going against the status quo, but those wheels are hideous IMHO, the lot of them
  14. In the oil would be bad enough... this was in place of the oil! Don't get me started on how they always remove the external 4EAT tranny filter and huck it in the woods by mistake, and then drop a nut when they find out it's like a $35 part .
  15. You are most welcome... we're all here to help each other out, and at least for the newer cars I know my stuff . I'll figure out these old skool cars I owned 2 of (and knew virtually nothing about) and now own 1 of (the BRAT) yet !
  16. Jiffy Lube guys may have minimal training, but it doesn't explain the cars we have gotten in here at the dealership that have had washer fluid put in the oil pan instead of oil . I can understand though... I mean, they look *sooooo* much alike, and the viscosities are nearly identical !
  17. Heh, it's proven snake oil http://usmb.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3808 Pretty much the same damn thing. Do a google search on "Spiralmax" and see what people think of them
  18. The knock sensor on your car is notorious for going bad- we replace them all the time (it's a 22060AA070 BTW). In fact, I *think* Subaru just redesigned it- there was about a 2 week span where they wouldn't ship any of them (which is why I think they redesigned them) and we're just now getting them back in. Borrow one from someone (it's found in the 2.5 Imprezas, Legacys, and Foresters) for 15 minutes- they're incredibly easy to change out.
  19. There is a known issue with the temp sensor for the AC... take it to the dealer. You're still under warranty.
  20. Who knew the "Tornado" did so well at fooling people that there would be competition for it !
  21. Dbeckman, the URL specified for the photos is wrong... if you put in say http://www.usmb.net/repair/weber/weber1.jpg You'll get the photos. They are currently listed as being in the http://www.usmb.net/repair/ directory, not the http://www.usmb.net/repair/weber/ directory.
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