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what's up w/ him?

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naw last night as i was washing my suby this guy pulls over and asks me if the car is for sale. i say no. the dude keeps asking for it until me and my dad yell out no!!! so after that i wondered why he would want my car so desperately. oh yeah the guy looked like a drug dealer! anyway gimme you opinions on this.



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you guys are pretty paranoid, and you must like to judge people by their described appearance.

maybe he was some subaru freak, thats on here every day. you should take an offer to buy as a compliment.


check out my profile... i wont sell you any drugs

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Or maybe his mommy just gave him $50 and he wanted to show it off. When My grandma was selling her house (for $300K+) some little punk kid who thought he was a gangster went up to my mom who was handling the sale and was saying "I want to buy that house! How much do you want? I've got cash right now!"

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i know i'd worry.. did you get his license # just in case? do you have a starving rottweiler or two you can keep in the car? (if you slip them a mickey, you can file their teeth nice and pointy; i use a dremel, it's faster.)
yeah i did worry because the guy just kept on insisting. so what we did is that we made space in the garage and parked it next to my mom's minivan. and about the starving rottweiler, thats not gonna happen cuz' i have a Golden Retriever. :grin:
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I think it might be time to think about relocating. That guy might try to steal it in the middle of the night. Time to break out the good ol' 12 gauge, and keep it handy.
naw Brother we just bought this house 2 weeks ago so that's not really possible at the moment. but the good ol' 12 gauge just might work. but then i would have to go out and buy one. :( but then i got the trust ol' bat in my closet which might work just fine. :banana:


God Bless You Brother!

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Wow the parinoia is thick here fellas. Lots of big talk about guns here; I some how think none of you talking about it would actually use one on someone for breaking into your Subaru. How about you just install a damn car alarm and skip the manslauter? Sounds like a much better idea to me.

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Wow the parinoia is thick here fellas. Lots of big talk about guns here; I some how think none of you talking about it would actually use one on someone for breaking into your Subaru. How about you just install a damn car alarm and skip the manslauter? Sounds like a much better idea to me.


So I know this is getting a bit off topic, and this is also somewhat politically sensitive, but with due respect to the attitude of others I gotta speak out. I moved from the fairly crime prone Southeast, to a comparitively crime free Colorado, and noticed a big difference in attitudes about firearms between places. I'll just say from personal experience that after you get your house broken into while you are sleeping - twice, you learn to understand the difference between paranoia and protection.


- James B

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So I know this is getting a bit off topic, and this is also somewhat politically sensitive, but with due respect to the attitude of others I gotta speak out. I moved from the fairly crime prone Southeast, to a comparitively crime free Colorado, and noticed a big difference in attitudes about firearms between places. I'll just say from personal experience that after you get your house broken into while you are sleeping - twice, you learn to understand the difference between paranoia and protection.


- James B


I grew up in small town Iowa around fire arms; then moved to the big city here in Minnesota. Since then I've had several cars broken into, I've been mugged at gun point, and lived in 'rough' neighborhoods.


I still think installing a car alarm for protection of your vehicle is far smarter then using a shot gun; and hoping you dont get shot also. Someone breaking into your car is a far cry from someone breaking into your house while your family sleeps; one is iminet threat to your posessions and the othe is iminet threat to your family. Somebody's life isnt worth meger posessions, IMHO.

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I still think installing a car alarm for protection of your vehicle is far smarter then using a shot gun; and hoping you dont get shot also. Someone breaking into your car is a far cry from someone breaking into your house while your family sleeps; one is iminet threat to your posessions and the othe is iminet threat to your family. Somebody's life isnt worth meger posessions, IMHO.


Yeah, I agree with getting a car alarm. I have an alarm and a failsafe ignition lockout on my truck. The wagon stays in the garage or under the deck most of the time, and where I live now I don't really worry that much about it anyway.


If you wanna check out city to city crime statistics (like vehicle thefts per 100,000 population) search on 'uniform crime report', it has some interesting info.


- James B

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I have to agree with MorganM, but only in part. It would not be worth the hassles I would have for killing someone who was burglaring my car. However, I would not hesitate to pull down on him and take him into custody until the authorities arrived. It's his choice at that point to comply, fight or flee. If he complies, all will be well. If he flees, kind of depends on the situation, I would not fire unless it was apparent that he was going to harm someone. (Such as if he ran to the neighbors and was trying to break in and I knew they were home, possible hostage situation.) If he elects to fight and rushes me, that was his bad choice and I have to defend myself.

Woe be unto him if he breaks into my home or car while either is occuppied though. I wouldn't hesitate to protect myself or family in those situations. At that point I don't know what his intentions are, whether he intends to do me or my family harm or is just after possessions. "Somebody's life isnt worth meger possesions", I guess HE should have given that a bit more consideration. Still it's tough to justify taking a life and even if judged to be lawful, I would have to live with that for the rest of mine.

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it was a reality TV skit....you'll be on TV in a few weeks. okay, there really are alot of goofy people around and the closer you are to a city the more that escalates...in my experience, maybe yours is different...all the nice people in the city and a bunch of rude jokers in the country? anyway, weird encounters are good to notice but not that uncommon either.


i like to weld razor blades around the inside of my stereo. paranoid, nah. wanting to laugh at someone trying to steal my junk, yes. not having anything worth much in my car and a low end stereo seems to keep thieves away, but i've since moved out of the city so no worries now. i agree with the car alarm, throw some remote locks on there while you're at it!


i've chased 3 criminals - one broke into my house (guns not allowed on campus, which is a good thing because i hunt and have guns for said activity, glad i never had to make that decision but hindsight is 20/20 right?), one tried to steal a jeep two houses down from previously mentioned house, the other stole my bag at the atlanta airport. all in atlanta, real nice city. i caught them all, two are in jail. i'm gloating, but i'd never do it again. i've heard of a few cases since that time when people chased would be criminals and ended up shot and dead. glad that wasn't me.

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My 3 cents worth on the matter....



I carry a gun always. I don't intend on shooting someone, but most criminals wet their pants if you show a gun. Around here almost everyone carries and there is a lot more respect. YOu know you don't come into someones house in the nite or you will get shot.


I don't believe in sensless killing of someone over stuff (it's just stuff), but I also don't think some crook should be allowed to get away with something unlawful.


I had my stuff stolen outta my car as a lot of you know. I let it go even tho I knew who did it. And it turned out ok, got an upgrade.


Guarranteed if someone comes into my house in the nite while my wife and babies are sleeping they will get a load of buckshot no questions asked and thats the way it is. :)


Also, you shoulda told him like 5 grand for the ride and you want cash and he has to goto the bank with you to make sure it's legit then do a title transfer :)

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it's parked in the garage now so what does it matter. who knows why he was asking and who really cares. He was either a druggie with fake money or he really liked Subarus. Either way I think the threat is gone.
you know i'm pretty much sure that the guy was a druggie cuz' his eyes looked puffy you know the guy was a mess. and now that its in the garage i don't worry much. all i have to worry about now is about the occasional rat that moves in there but i got that taken care of too. (rats will get evicted if they get in my heater core!)
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you guys are pretty paranoid, and you must like to judge people by their described appearance.

maybe he was some subaru freak, thats on here every day. you should take an offer to buy as a compliment.


check out my profile... i wont sell you any drugs


Yeah, but if he is a true Subaru Freak, then he will know how to go out and shop for one like everyone else with common sense. It's not like there aren't plenty to go around or anything. And it isn't like he asked him if he knew where he could buy a Subaru, but instead, he kept bugging him about his(Sounds fishy enough to me).


Anyway, I'm not paranoid, I'm cautious.



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Jeez, give the guy a break, maybe he liked your car and wanted to buy it. I get it all the time.. Just have to take it as a compliment and continue with my day.


Well if he liked it or the body style so much, why didn't he ask where he could buy one, instead of asking Buddy to buy his? That's enough to make even the most calm and collective person doubt someones intentions. I believe in the "old school" way of doing things because that is the way I was brought up. If it doesn't belong to you, don't touch it. So if you try to steal something from someone and get caught, they can stick a fork in you because you are done. Severe actions require severe consequences. Try stealing something in Saudi Arabia, and see if they don't cut your hand off during a public meeting. If more people learned that at a young age, then half the crap that goes on these days, wouldn't.



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