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Everything posted by Moosen

  1. ahahah nice. Yeah i guess that is true. And it snow here a lot as well.
  2. Yessir already got that one. On the way! Haaaaas anyone used the taller one, cut a hole in there hood, and put an air scoop?
  3. Just got this beauty in today. First part!
  4. I would love them! anything helps! you are a lifesaver my man!
  5. Could you mail me like 3 clips? To get the clips off I found that just a flathead screw driver to press down on the splayed out parts worked well. Still a little difficult but it worked
  6. Good idea. I would try but my car is at the bottom of my driveway.... due to stupid spring slush, and not being able to get up it, andddd that is why my door trim came off int he first place....plowing my driveway and got a little too close to my car... broke my right rear tail light a bit (thank god it was already broken a bit) and left a small scratch, and took off the trim.
  7. It's not the door though. Its the quarter panel behind it. Right behind the right rear wheel.
  8. I have for sure broken 1 white clip. let me try and pop the other two out tomorrow morning and let you know if one of those breaks. I tried getting them out already but they were in there really tight.
  9. So i just accidentally cracked my rear right taillight, put a small 2 inch scratch and ripped off my door trim on the rear right quarter panel. Only 1 of the white clips broke and the other 2 are still there. However...How do i put the piece back on? The white clips are in the car still, do they come out or what?
  10. Exactly what I am doing. Thank you for this post. Now I know which hoses and where. Any suggestions on how to plug hoses?
  11. so sexy. great idea. what kinda tape did you use to mask them? I will definitely be stealing this idea if/when i get those wheels
  12. Either way I want that set up. How did you paint them? tape off the chrome parts?
  13. Hey ummmm. if you ever want to sell your wheels, I am down. Cause those look sexy! are those the 15" peugots?
  14. So which of these do i keep and which do i delete.I do live in a cold, high altitude climate. (also this diagram is hard to read!)
  15. How many of you actually run a minimum octane of 90 like is recommended for our eas82's? I have just been running the 85 since i got my car, and just saw that it should be 90, so when i filled up today i put a 91 blend. We will see how it runs. Will i notice much of a difference?
  16. idk but dope ************ing wheels
  17. I would love to do this to my gl wagon eventually
  18. mine doesn't look in too bad of shape. but I guess it couldn't hurt to replace.
  19. Proper way to cap stuff off? or can i just plug em with screws?
  20. Okay gotcha. So How do i check to see if those are bad or what not?
  21. even then how do i know what to tag? and what to get rid of?
  22. So my biggest concern by far is allt he hoses. I have no idea what hose does what , So I am worried I will not hook it back up right.
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