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Everything posted by bratman18

  1. No there is no computer for this tranny. The wires are for reverse lights and other switches/signals. oh yeah and the hi/lo light too. But no there's no computer needed.
  2. I think that maybe the angle is messing with you?! Again I still see exactly what I would expect to see. The end of the cv shaft that we see just needs to slide onto the stub sticking out of the tranny.
  3. I personally see exactly what is supposed to be there. I think its just a little hard to see because it's so shadowy.
  4. I see the male end sticking out of the tranny in the picture! And the female end (cv shaft) Just needs to slide onto it. And for whatever reason its not reaching. And yes the little hole circled is not a rust spot it's the hole for the pin to go through after the cv axle is in its correct position.
  5. These are the pics of my stock power steering on a spfi conversion! I tried to get several views, but there is some stuff in the way. I know someone wanted to see them. Hope this helps!
  6. It's funny I was just outside doing a few things on my brat. I had it running and noticed it was running a little hot, and the fan was not kicking on. I ended up checking the wires and the wire that goes to the little switch that is screwed into the radiator wasn't properly grounded where it should have been. I just tightened up the ground wire where it screwed onto the chassis and it was working great again. So maybe try that? Good luck!
  7. Yeah that's a good idea but again I'm just trying to see if I can use what I got without having to buy anything. If I had to buy another muffler, I probably wouldn't hack up the one I have just to put a cherry bomb on it.
  8. Yeah I'm pretty sure that the pipe will be close enough but I was just worried about the actual bend of the pipe where it comes around the rear suspenision area.
  9. Yeah going west is something that I wouldn't mind doing but it takes money and then I'd have to get a job as soon as I got out there and then I also love Maine! But ya never know!
  10. Yeah Maine is unreasonably strict on their inspections! I'm not real concerned about getting pulled over but its the yearly inspection that I kinda worry about!
  11. Oh come on it's not that far! It's ok as soon as I have the time and money I'm gonna head wet and then bring back a rust free suby with me!! And hopefully In the same trip I can meet some of you fine people!!
  12. ok so yeah I want a cherry bomb on mine as well but I don't want to cut the pipe that goes to my muffler if its the only one I have! I want to have the easy option to go back to a muffler if I need to for inspection or want to because I get tired of it being a little loud. So Thats why I wanted to know if a Loyale muffler would work so that I can use that if I need to! Thanks for the replies and if anyone knows for sure please let me know! Thanks
  13. Yeah I know that's an option but Its like new so I would like to keep it in decent shape.
  14. Will the muffler from a Loyale/EA82 wagon fit on a brat? Just wondering cause I got one. Thanks
  15. anything special about it besides the fact that it is in great shape?
  16. Hmmm, I've personally had several seize up on me, I guess I was just unlucky!
  17. Supposedly they fixed the hg problem in 03 so anything 03 or newer but I don't have any experience with this yet
  18. yeah I know but I consider the north west to be like washington and oregon! Besides my point was that they just love to use all kinds of ************ty stuff on the roads on this side of the country. Ya know the rust belt!
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