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Everything posted by DaveAP

  1. My '78 brat does have a stock tach. It also has that box, next to the coil that cabaroo mentioned. I am interested in this thread because my tach has never worked. I tried hooking up (what I thought was the right wire) out of the cluster to the coil, but it would make the engine die. I thought that someday I would get around to taking the dash off, so I could visually trace the wire from the tach out to the engine compartement. Hasn't happened... The little box next to the coil, looks like a buss bar, it has around 4 screw terminals on it. I recall that one of them is 'hot' all the time (as in has voltage)
  2. On my '84 auto brat, I drilled out the bottom side of the air cleaner too allow more air flow. It was a small improvement, but it helped.
  3. I want to find out if they interchange. The tranny ones do. Going for 30.00 ea.
  4. I just installed some on my '78 brat. I didn't remove the crossmember,was able to unbolt them in place. The hard one was the driverside, it had a sheet metal shield to deal with, and you have to feel the bolt into it's hole (left handed and backwards). I used a jack to take the wgt. off and that is all. I'm gonna post a separate thread, but I want to find out if ea81 and 71 motor mounts are the same. The tranny ones are. I can get them local for 30.00 ea.
  5. That's a good price on those. Thanks. I'll give the one I have a shot.
  6. I have a spare tranny around. I suppose I'm gonna have to think about doing it.
  7. "It is wat is, it ain' wat it ain't" Popeye Plus you're floggin the little girl a bit. The air is rare @ 12,000 ft. I feel you're pain though. Best you can do is run at um. Kand N filter might help, get a little more air thru there.
  8. I have a '78 brat with a 3" lift. Running 205 70R 14's. They rub slightly in the front when turning. I did not install the lift. But it looks well done. I think they rotated the back torsion bars a little, then they welded a new shock mount to the backing plate. I have wheeled this little monster all over Az. When I get the digital camera a little more understood I will get some pictures.
  9. pillow blocks are bearing assemblys for shaft drives. For example: in HVAC units one end (of the shaft) would have a pully on it and the other end would have a fan. You just bolt the pillow blocks down to your frame.
  10. the tranny mounts do match, ea 81 and 71. I didn't have a real good one, but just to experiment I pulled both off, put in the replacement and swapped left to right. Didn't make a difference. Does anyone have a shade tree method of checking the tranny. If I lift the front end and spin the wheels, can I tell anything by that. I was talking with moosens, he had a similar problem, ended up being in the tranny.
  11. After more inspection I am leaning toward tranny mounts. I put a jack under the rear end of the tranny. The passenger side lifts more than a 1/4" until it hits the mount . I suspect it is missing the rubber on that side. Anyone know another way to check them? Are the mounts interchangeable with the ea81's ? I have a wtb add in the marketplace for a new set.
  12. I'm going to pull that side off today. I'll see what's up then. I have fresh rotors to install. I did the passenger side yesterday. Everything is new on that side. So you think the hubs will match,that would be good. I have a spare ea81 laying around.
  13. thanks WasteL, I don't know if they will match with an ea-71 axle. Are there any differences between ea71-81's in axle lengths or spline count? It would be nice if they were the same. There's alot more ea81's around than gen. ones. I am considering doing the drivers side axle and look at the splines on that side also. What side is the drive axle on our brats? (front and rear)
  14. I suspect it to be worn splines in the wheel. Does that only happen on the drive side (passenger side?). When I have finished letting out the clutch I feel a slipping ,then grabbing (with a loud clunk). I feel like it is the right side but I just had that one apart, and I thought the splines looked ok, Not great, but 0k. That side has a new half axle. The other side axle seems a bit worn on the inboard side(closest to the tranny). I can move it quite a bit when checking it. I have never had an axle go out on me like this. I can also feel it in the steering wheel. If axles and splines aren't it, I'd be looking at maybe slipping clutch, or something wrong with the tranny. You can tell I'm grasping at straws here, anyone else ever have a major clunk experience? Thanks, dp "78 brat, 3" lift, 14's, weber, single range
  15. try a tank of higher octane gas. See if it makes a difference, it did for me. :78, '84 brats.
  16. I have owned ea71's for years, and have 4 whled them all over the mountains of Az. I agree that without a lift you should stay away from "extreme" places, but don't let them talk you out of going out and challenging lesser rides. I have put alot miles on my stock 4 speed, 1600's. Just use common sense, and get a decent run at your challenge.
  17. I finally got to the change out. I'd thought I'd refresh this thread. I took off the four bolts that hold the regulator plus two that hold part of the linkage, pushed the regulator back into the inside of the door. Was able to pull the window up just enough to access the two bolts that hold the window. Got the window out. With the reg. locked it wouldn't fold enough to drop down and pass through the large botton hole in the door. There isn't enough room for the reg. stud to easily pull up and out of the door, so I forced it, and it barely cleared. Once the reg. was out, the new one fed back in through the large bottom hole (no problem) and the rest was easy. Paul, just so you know, I AM installing the one I bought from you. I works just fine. I never got around to doing it, but as I said now that winter is over, I couldn't live with it in the locked up position. I hate to expose my procrastinator belly side up, but maybe it will inspire other procrastinators.
  18. I've tried doing it with the knuckle on, but when you start tapping on the bearing, all kinds of crap gets knocked loose and falls into the bearings. (my two cents) dp
  19. funny paul, yes that be the one. I didn't mind it stuck up during the winter, but now it is finally getting hot... so 90 degrees will budge a procrastinator! I need time management training. Thanks for the input, I'll try unleashing the regulator and dropping the whole affair. Should work as long as stud for the crank will clear its hole. thanks again, dp
  20. That sounds like it would work. Trouble is once I get started I am commited. Anyone else have any input? Thanks, dp
  21. crank is spinning. window is stuck in up position. (won't lower). In order to access the bolts that hold the window to the regulator it appears to me that the window should be down. Any suggestions? Once I get the window out, I want to replace the regulator, any tricks of the trade? I have done this in the past with a gen. 1, and yes it is a pita, but doable. I searched the repair manual, but not much there. thanks, dp '78 brat, 3" lift, 14's, weber,... '84 auto brat
  22. good luck Paul. I just did a move, and it is hard to decide on what stuff to toss, especially on gen 1 stuff. I did get a shop out of this move! But I want to start out clean and not let it grow into a pigsty. Whats a mother to do?
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