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Everything posted by AKIRA

  1. My Dad might come along and bring his 92 loyale, so there's an extra person, Maybe.
  2. I remember reading that it wold be hard to do because the 3 speed is hydraulic and the 4 speed is electronic, but that could have been for an EA81 threespeed. anybody know for sure?
  3. yep, there were cans allover the place, This was at hoovers, ever heard of it? he was driving this huge loader, with beer in hand, tore the gas tank out of a car and started to crush it, gas spewed everywhere! the drunk rump roast forgot to drain the tank.
  4. I got a rollbar, all of a brats trim, and t-tops for $50. EDIT: (He was drunk though)
  5. Really, then why do alot of you remove this stuff?
  6. What emissions stuff can I block off or remove and what do I have to leave working? also how much power do you really gain from this?
  7. is there anybody on the board here in PA? also have you been to jersey shore?
  8. maybe thats what they mean by upgrading it, bigger belt and pulleys.
  9. My dad did this when the clutch cable on his sunbeam broke: he tied a piece of string to the clutch lever and used it to start out, then he rev-matched it for the rest of the gears.
  10. it was cheap, it's 205,000 and it runs like new, climbs my snowy driveway like a sherpa, and it is pratically unique, I love my Brat.
  11. ok, I am just gonna disconect the emissions lines(and plug them) once it's inspected, when i get a webber i think I will put the hitachi for inspections unless I find one I think i could slip a webber by. I leave the stock cat or core it out. remember this is a visual inspection, not an actual smog test.
  12. In march in my area of PA they are adding visual inspections of emissions control equipment. (EDIT: and gas cap tests) Here is how I think I can get around it: leave all the junk on(egr, Pcv, etc..), and just pop off and plug the lines once it's over. with a webber, just put the hitachi back on for the inspection, or take the "webber" words off and fit on a stock cleaner. (this is an idea, I don't have a webber yet) put a 3 way highflow cat on it that would pass inspection Instead of my 20yr old stock one. what do you think? any other ideas? -AK.
  13. okay, I'll be ther saturday, my Brat will be ready long before then.
  14. I got mine a year ago for $1200, medium rust (wheelwells, doors, fenders, none on frame)I am fixing it up and I hope to have it repainted and ready for carlisle!
  15. after I posted I thought Skip! Think I will go saturday though, unless you are all going to go friday or sunady. who of you are going to stay the whole three days?
  16. Is there one day out of them where most of you will be there? I can only be there one day. and prob. not friday, I have school.
  17. you have it marked on your calendar, what day is it? it is may the ?
  18. I was sort of conflicted on whether to post this or not. no, i am not on the forums, I just happened to stumble onto the site accidentally, I will check out AI though, you mean the review of the movie right?
  19. Happy endings:) (Edit): oops, didn't mean to take it to 9 pages, sorry.
  20. okay, so it's a japenese p**n movie, but it's still in a movie:D M***y s**t (of the car) :-) I didn't watch the movie, I read the review of it on somethingawful.com on a section called "The horrors of p**n" (It's on the one called "I.K.U") This guy reviews p**n that is as he puts it "hilariously awkward, bizarre, or even frightening". It is some of the funniest stuff I have ever read. now before somebody complains, they don't show the movie and the screenshots of it are not that bad, it's meant to be funny not ero**c. believe me, Even if they tried, they couldn't make it e**tic. Hows that for e***ing?
  21. take the link at the bottom of my post and scroll down to the last pic on that page, I am sitting in my Brat. P.S. I look mad but I am really squintimg because the sun is in my eyes.
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