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So how many people would be interested in....






or such...


offering SUBARU Genuine replacement parts at rock bottom prices, aftermarket performance parts....such as:


Performance rotors

Performance/racing pads

Stainless steel brake lines

intake systems

Exhaust systems and headers

performance suspension products

Racing/street wheels in many sizes (steelies)

Poly bushing kits

big big sway bars

possibly 5 lug conversion kits!


FAQ's for EA82/EA82T speed freaks along with tech articles


and more!



I am thinking about starting this up...boxer4racing is already taken...and is doing quite well...deals in 100% EJ stuff....


SO what do you guys think?

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hmm sounds good..


I got a question, why don't you guys call 'ea82' cars 'L-Series' like the rest of the world?


I try to call them Leones....but no one understands....everyone thinks of "Impreza" or "Legacy" when i say SUBARU L-series here....

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I try to call them Leones....but no one understands....everyone thinks of "Impreza" or "Legacy" when i say SUBARU L-series here....

Lotsa people understand.. Fact is, they were never Leones in this country.. And I would be willing to bet that most of your user market would be here ;)


I would be interested in an EA82 performance part source.. But not at impreza performance prices

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I would be interested in an EA82 performance part source.. But not at impreza performance prices


The prices...i would hope ot get them about 10%-15% below that stuff in cost...


some things, like HEADERS and DP's are just going to be up there...due to the nature of fabrication...unless *I* start making them for way less...

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I'd be interestede, but right now doesn't count for much... not until I start earning more than Indentured Servant wages. :banghead:


Tangent: So what IS the diff between an EA82 "Leone" and the Loyales. To my untrained eye, it seems that SOA just started calling them Loyales when the Legacy came out.

Return from Tangent.


Anyway, go for it! Maybe we in the community can add some items for you to carry. Though shipping stuff from your side to our side might chew up any price advantage. Then we would have to shop with our hearts instead of our wallets.

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I would totally help out with that. I know there's not much I've done as far as on-road stuff, but I'm planning on doing some more in the near future. I would help in writing tech articles, or if people would be interested in buying any stuff that I could make I'd be up for that too.

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I'd love to help, but probably don't have any skills that would be helpful in any way, but I would definately be a customer, probably not for much, but I'd be there anyway.


I bet if you asked real nice, you could use some/all of the tech articles off the USRM.

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I may have interest in the steel brake lines as mine are pretty old (near 300K) wouldnt hurt to have something a little sturdier. Just keep the price reasonable and I would buy some though.


Ive got 3 front sets right now...$55 shipped.


why keep it just EA-82s? whats wrong with the 81s? its not like you'd get less business if you don't include them


Because...I have not worked on or owned any EA81x's....so I cannot make or provide products for something I know very little about....the suspension is different, swaybars, and other things....I WILL research it...and I plan on owning a brat at some point...

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I would be very interested! :) Swapping engines in my xt stock car this Winter. Key word "STOCK". However there are some mods we are considering as folks out here have never seen such a beast before and would not have a clue as to what is stock. Other drivers have already made mod's on their Fords., cam's & such, so if your going to beat 'em ya gotta join 'em:D Anyway, hope you can get it done as I appreciate any info. on EA82 & EA82T's I come across. As for $$ for the buying of parts, well it will just motivate me to get more sponsers:banana:

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How about specialty tools? Like the flywheel stopper that manuals say to use in timing hole to secure flywheel? I think that you could sell a passel (Def: short s***-load) of those.


And maybe a nice, simple cam-sprocket holder, the one recommended for torqueing the sprocket while tensioning the t-belts. (I built my own... but I didn't notice torque-spec was in INCH-lbs and not FOOT-lbs. I could tighten the crankshaft pulley with mine. :lol: )


I'm cheap... er, frugal, but like proper tools.


And how about items that are recommended here as "only get OEM" like t-stats?


I love our Subarus, but dealing with my local dealer for parts is worse than going to the dentist, and usually less satisfying. :rolleyes:

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