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Ultimate Subaru Message Board

hey mods. look at me.

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-to the mods



at the top of the OLD gen forum can we PLEASE get a stickey that lists:


lift kits where/how

5 lug conversions



i think everything else should stay in the reapair/conversion pages

this way it will be at the top of old gen. since they seem to be the 2 most common Q types.


i just have see alot of threads for the subjects in the past couple months





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Uh yea, like the same question asked 3 times in one week :rolleyes:

I vote for a seperate forum for Soob mods.

not a seperate forum, just a stickey"read me before posting or FAQ"


and have all the common Q's with links for the info on it. wether the info is in the stickey, or linked to reapair or modification section.



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I feel that every forum should have a FAQ!


This stops (or slows down) the same old questions from being asked and it also help Noob's (like me) become familiar with terminology. It also helps out regular foyum member for finding information quickly when they are working on there own projects or explaing stuff to there friends that might not like to post on BBS Forums.


For a good example of a FAQ, check the one I helped put together on Toyota Trucks for Pirate 4x4.com:



So I would highly recommend putting a FAQ together with a sticky.

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i'm with turbone. otherwise just deal with it. we've been dealing with all these questions for years. and it's just intolerance that brings this stuff up. live with it. cause everyone says lets do this, but doesn't want to actually put it together. so suck it up and live with it.

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The pirate board shmirate board. :lol: It still burns from a year ago.



Q's like:

What size tires blah blah blah?

What size wheels are available?

HP increase?


Jared put together a sweet write up on offroad tires that anyone could find if they spend 5 minutes doing a search.

What's kinda messed up is that nobody (well almost) is willing to go out on a limb and try something for themselves. Folks get to thinking this site is like "ask Jeeves" or something. It's cool that we've come together here and helped the States and a few others to advance Subaru knowledge and make it available.

But what did everybody do before the USMB?

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i'm with turbone. otherwise just deal with it. we've been dealing with all these questions for years. and it's just intolerance that brings this stuff up. live with it. cause everyone says lets do this, but doesn't want to actually put it together. so suck it up and live with it.
These days, I'm not so quick to answer q's like I mentioned above. But with so many members, someone always does. And I tell you what. I dig watching the replies from the newbies, as they give second hand info.

It's kinda like sitting in a circle and one person whispers something in the person next to their ear and so on and by the time it gets back around, what was said is good and distorted.

I get a kick out of it.

Usually if someone gets the total wrong info, I'll email or PM them and set them straight without embarrasing the culprit in public. (usually)


What Jared said about sucking it up is word. Before the board was here, I was offroading Soobs. When I needed info, I went to the local Soob know-it-alls and bugged them. And I bugged them often. Tom at Aaron's, Steve and Rob and Superior, and Brian the Guru. I can't really pay them back, but I can pass on what I know in turn and don't mind doing so so much.

And these days, I have so many board members phone #s that I can jsut call them with my question. :brow:




The search function needs to be put to use more than we need more sticky clutter on the board/s.

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With the limits of what may and may not be discussed in these forums, it's probably not a bad thing to be able to rehash old ideas. Besides, if we never explore new ideas, but continue to fix old problems the same old way, we will never come up with new innovations. There are always other options to explore.

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You guys are right. I think ive seen 3 threads on a 5lug swap in the last week, and a few threads on locating a lift kit as well.


I think we need something more than just sticky's or a FaQ. Im thinking we need to advertise our USRM alittle better, or make it easier for newbs to find the USRM.


Mod's haven't had much time lately though. Hopefully im not the only mod to have seen this.



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...I dig watching the replies from the newbies, as they give second hand info.

It's kinda like sitting in a circle and one person whispers something in the person next to their ear and so on and by the time it gets back around, what was said is good and distorted.

I get a kick out of it...

I represent that remark!



The search function needs to be put to use more than we need more sticky clutter on the board/s.
Funny thing about Search... I worked as a programmer for 10 years with a company whose service was to allow professionals to search the largest single collection of information in the world (at least in the private sector! :brow: ) My job was the internals of the search engine.


After a month+ of trying to use search, I have not figured out how to make search work on multiple terms (e.g. "air suspension"). Now, granted, I have not spent the time to look on the site for how to use the search function properly (inate laziness), and this is my first experience in using a message board, but STILL I feel that I am at least average as far as what newcomers to this board will be like.


It may get tiring answering the same questions over and over, but I think it is also a disservice to flame neophytes by telling them to go search. To many, especially those that turned here because something handgrenaded and they are desperate, it is like telling them (me! :lol: ) to do brain surgery. Where do you start?


Anyway, I am very grateful to those who have helped me out, and I feel it is an obligation to pass on any help that I feel qualified to offer. After checking out some other boards, I MUCH prefer USMB because of the generally mature and helpful nature of the community. Others are more like adolescent urinating contests.


I have not gotten a good enough "feel" for the organization of this board to offer any opinion where stuff should go, so I won't. I DO think that it would be nice if more of the general, sometimes hard-earned!!!, knowledge from this community be placed somewhere useful and easily accessible, as it deserves to be. I am willing to help organize/type/whatever.


Thank you all for all that you do.



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Pat. Thank you for that response, it oughta do more good than harm. As a longtime member (one of the orignal 5 i believe) of the USMB, i have been through hard times and easy times with this board. I believe the problem lies with the moderation of this board. its hard for us moderators to correct a problem, most of us arent trained for such a thing. And when one of us does (more often than not) it is us, the mods, who are flamed for our corrective actions.


That and the administration seems out of touch. But that doesnt mean we dont strive to make changes. We've migrated our board to our new VB system, and through our co-admin "Shadow" we now have a much better USRM (Ultimate Subaru Repair Manual) than we had before. Although there is much to be desired, that shouldn't effect our newcommers. Most of them just dont know. Either to search or to use the USRM. Maybe its not apparent to them, and im sure we can work on changing that.


Suggestions are the key. There is a forum for site suggestions (maybe where this thread should be, but for publicity i deem it safe for the general forum). Please use the site suggestion forum to voice your concern.



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I see what you all are talking about with flooding the message board with the same questions all the time, but I have searched around again even in the USRM and have found no answers to some of the questions that have been asked.


Maybe I missed it, but is there even a write-up on the 5 Lug swap into an ea82? I didn't see it in the USRM.


Is there a write-up of what wheel and tire sizes will fit on a subaru without doing any trimming or bodywork? I didn't see it in the USRM.


I don't deny anything on posts about lift kits for subaru's because I found that pretty easily, it doesn't seem that hard to find.


I'm not complaining to any one member here, or to any of the moderators, as I know they have a tough job as it is to keep everything straightened out, but It's not as easy as to tell everyone to search all the time, that makes no sense, especially to all the newbs out there who don't quite know how to use the site, maybe they slip up and find that option only after posting the topic. I know that I've done that once or twice when I first got here.

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I personally don't mind so much the questions/subjects being brought up after having been discussed earlier. I kind of look at that as a way to encourage discussion on the subject, or just discussion in general. There's a strong chance that a new idea or procedure could be contributed by someone that never saw the previous threads, on account of possibly they're relative newbies to this board.



My 2 bucks

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my $0.02:


the search function doesn't accept three letter words. with all of theacronyms floating around this place, that is crippling in some respects. there are ways to get rid of common words like THE and AND and OR without ruling out TPS, MAF, TOB, ECU, you get the picture.


also, there are a few different spots on the board for technical information. there are the older links from older incarnations of the board as well as the USMB. I know you are wary of over-organizing the board, Brian, but I think that the technical information could be made easier to find. :banana:

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Im not against organization. But I dont wanna stuff the information so deep that nobody can find it. The current USRM will work great, as it is basicly a journal of past USMB threads. There are alot of written articles that still need to be moved over, I just havent taken the time to do it.


There is a write-up that Corky has on his webpage from when he swapped his RX suspention to 5 lug. Im not sure if he'd be mad if we used it or not. I'll let him chime in on that one.



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Theres been some great additions to USRM lately and we have auto tech articles area as well. Not a big fan of stickies.


Would rather people didnt say things like "use search ______" and such and rather would just link the newbie to the info so they can find it. Just be sure to link them to information that is comprehensive and accurate please.



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So I'm new and all, and I've used the "Search" function to the point that I've basically read every thread from the past two years. I'd like to say that the USMB is worth more than a Haynes, Chilton, HTKYSA, and a factory manual combined.


I post a lot on mountain bike forums, which is my field of expertise. You knowledeable types here don't have it so bad. At least this palce is filtered by the fact that all the memebers are at least old enough to have a drivers liscense. On MTBR (bike site) you're telling some 12 year old kid where his arsehole is every ten minutes.


Anyways, I was thinking about it. It's not like there are really that many new products available [compared to say, bikes] for old Soobs to talk about. So if it wasn't for all the repetitive questions, wouldn't this place be kinda quiet?

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