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Aluminum BYB / PK lift


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Good pic - thanks. Yeah, box and parts weigh 55-60 lbs. That cardboard and paper packing must be pushing 2 lbs. :rolleyes:


Actually the solid aluminum kit is on average 7-10 lbs heavier than the plated box steel kit... then there's the aluminum's cost - ouch.


Future kits will most likely be a blend of plated steel (white zinc to match) and aluminum blocks to lose some weight and expense.

r/ PK

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sure, if you have the exact same vuild structure, but the steel blocks are hollow, and the AL ones are solid blocks.

Ah okay; didnt even notice that.


So would the aluminum one be stronger then? Not that anyone has ever broke the steel one but theoreticly are they stronger?

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I'm not sure how the hollow ones install but if you layed the hollow down on its side - Wouldn't the solid ones be stronger because they couldn't collapse like a hollow piece could.


And then if you stood the hollow pieces up right compared to the solid ones, would have 100% of the surface area contacting the unibody for better support by lowering the contact pressure between the two surfaces.


Or are the hollow ones boxed on all sides.....

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Let me know when it's going in, maybe I can come down and drink all of your beer while you work!

Lift goes in tommorrow (Sat) provided it doesn't rain on me. I've got Sunday off, too. Ya know, in case it doesn't go as smooth as I'd like:drunk:


I live right by the college in GJ, drop a line if you wanna come down.

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Here's some pix of the 1st Gen EA81 lift layed out. I took these pix when I got my 3/3 lift about 18months ago:




In this pic, you can see some of the blocks and how they are reinforced:



I dont think either lift is prone to breaking or cracking or failure. Not sure how easily Aluminum cracks or breaks, but these steel kits are built for life.



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