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$150 Brat


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I approached this guy outside of work at a gas station. He was driving a familiar looking brat. The same brat my friend's family had while we were in high school.

Also, this guy works at the same military base I work at, although in different areas. This was about a year ago.


So today he approached me and said, "You wanna buy my brat? $150. The fuel pump went out, i have another one, but no one will work on it."


So I said yes.


That is all, for now.

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sounds like me with my 83 :) a guy I work with had it and was talking with him all the time and also offering to help fix it up and all then one day he calls me and says he wants to sell it and asked me what would be a decent price for it, well for me I thought he was just asking so he can put it up on the emp board at work or something then when I said about around what he paid for (450) he turns around and asks me if I would buy it for 150 bucks :) and now I have it even though I am having issues with it still I am improving it from where it sat when I got it :)

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I haven't studied the car in etail since my friend had it. I know it's got a dent on the side from where it's spare tire was on the second floor of an office building, was rolled down the steps, and the person who was supposed to catch it just got out of the way.

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Year, condition, rust, interior all unknown. I haven't called the guy yet, nor have i even seen the car in a year. I'm buying it sight unseen.



That's why i said, "That's all for now." Maybe I'll see it/get some pics this weekend or something.

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$500 for any Subaru?


As an Subaru enthuiast, I'd like to feel that all my effort and money that I put into maintaining my cars, will bring more than $500 at sale time!


I think we do an injustice to our brand, always trying to cheapen it! I know there are good deals to be found out there, but typically, you get what you pay for. A project car, a rust bucket is worth less than a restoration, or clean original.


My Gen 1s have thousands more invested than they are worth, but $500 is a far shy from what I would consider selling for.



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I called him up. He seems to be very concerned that I take possession of it this weekend. It sounds more like he reeeeally needs $150.



I think the plan is to install the fuel pump, drive it away from there, take it to the family farm which is around 3 miles away, and ditch it until I can figure out what to do with it.


Does anyone know where the fuel pump is located on a Brat?

Nevermind, i searched and found the answer.

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I went and looked at it. Mwahahaha!



There is hardly any rust, one dent in the middle of the bed on the passenger side. Single range 4 speed. The only thing that doesn't work, apparently, is the a/c. T-tops. Moldy interior.


The guy wants me to pay him $150 for the brat and about $40 for the purolator clicker pump he got to replace the stocker. Whatever. $200 brat that's worth every penny.


My friend Robby will probably ultimately get it, cuz the trans in his Ranger blew, and we can't find an affordable replacement.


I haven't picked it up yet. The guy still has a bunch of stuff in it that he wanted to clean out first.

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you could always donate it to me. i wanted a brat sooo bad, but i couldnt find one so i restored my rx.i really want to drop the rx engine and drive train in a brat.




I went and looked at it. Mwahahaha!



There is hardly any rust, one dent in the middle of the bed on the passenger side. Single range 4 speed. The only thing that doesn't work, apparently, is the a/c. T-tops. Moldy interior.


The guy wants me to pay him $150 for the brat and about $40 for the purolator clicker pump he got to replace the stocker. Whatever. $200 brat that's worth every penny.


My friend Robby will probably ultimately get it, cuz the trans in his Ranger blew, and we can't find an affordable replacement.


I haven't picked it up yet. The guy still has a bunch of stuff in it that he wanted to clean out first.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My buddy Robby and I went and got the brat today. Robby is the new owner, i owed him some money, and the transmission in his ranger grenaded. Convienent.

The drunkard still hadn't cleaned it out. We offered to do it for him, but he put on some shoes and "helped". Soon thereafter, he learned that we planned on driving it out of there. He kept telling us, "But the fuel pump is bad. It won't run". I swapped the new fuel pump he bought and put it on there and...no power going to it. Whatever. Wire run off of the battery turned it on, though. And it started. And the poor guy was dumbfounded.


And then he didn't wanna let it go. After waving $210 cash (It was all we had), he relented and signed the title. Robby drove my Tacoma, and I drove the tainted car. It ran good, except for that water-in-the-fuel sort of surging and stuff. 20 miles later and it was on the lift at my father's shop, gas drained out, interior vacuumed and Febreezed, fuel filters blown out, fuel pump rewired. Tomorrow involves creating a 2" exhaust system out of a 10' piece of galvanized conduit tubing (remember, we're broke now, and trying to get a car to pass inspection), and coming up with a permanent solution for the fuel pump wiring problem.


So to cap it off,

$210 Brat


4spd D/R (w00t)

Working hill holder (Robby had never seen such a thing)

Very little rust

good times


Maybe I'll get pics before next year.

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Quick fix for the fuel pump power. Was posted by another Member here also.


Get the oil pressure switch for an early/mid '70's GM product, Vega, Monza, Starfire, ect... These had electric pumps, powered thru the oil pressure switch. No OP, no gas. Got the part number here some durn place, used one on my '82 to solve pump power feed problem.


Switch has 3 tabs on it, 1 for oil light, other 2 were for fuel pump.


Good buy on the BRAT, even with tire dent. Thinking I would've side-stepped that tire myself.

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God, I love a well-tuned sawzall. I sliced up the old exhaust system in a few seconds. It took me about an hour-and-a-half to whip up a conduit-N-Thrush glasspack exhaust system that didn't leak or vibrate. First time using flux-cored wire in my mig, too. It's hard getting a bottle filled on Sunday. Well, everything seems to be working, so maybe it'll be on the road soon.


Guess what? I still didn't take pics. The digital camera did find its way to the floor of my truck, though. One step closer.

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