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Everything posted by Numbchux

  1. noooo, I'm doing flames!!!! grrr....oh well, mine will be cooler anyway, I hope
  2. Great! I'd replace the axle too, as the process of stipping the splines on the hub probably didn't fare well with the splines on the axle, go get a new one, and keep the old for a spare, or take to NAPA (or similar place) and turn it in for a deposit on a lifetime-warrantied remanufactured one.
  3. I too have had water up over the hood, but went to fast, and the stock "cold air intake" sucked muddy water up into the carb, so I took it off, if you've got a carbed EA82 you could do the same, but I'm not sure what to do with the airbox on an FI model I attached a snap of my "modified" intake
  4. put the FI motor/4wd drivetrain in the best body of the two!!! if the bod on the 4wd car is rusted out (like mine) put it under the fwd car, if they're similar, I bet the motor swap would be slightly easier than drivetrain swap (less fabrication) here's a link to morgan's rightup about his 2 to 4wd conversion http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/article.php?a=16
  5. Second!!! I bet you've got 1) a broken axle, or 2) stripped splines or 3) a F@%$ed up tranny in that order
  6. he he, we were just there about a week ago, we stopped for a picture, maybe I'll post it when I get home again.
  7. welcome, join MNSubaru.com!!!! EDIT: nevermind, you already did, thought that car looked familiar
  8. put the centercaps on, and paint the sidemolding to match the wheels (both black would be HOT, in a subtle way of course) and then it'll be a very nice sleeper.
  9. I don't know if martin/dynapar (from mnsubie) will be there, but chances are, if he shows, it'll be last minute. So Freddie/Austin, you'll probably be better off heading straight out there whenever you want, and watch for a little green impreza. The rest of our group that came last time will be in steamboat.
  10. probably not that far, we'll see, and no, my wagon is not quite up to that kind of trip, mostly because of it's extreme lack of top end, due to it's "little" exhaust "leak," and a bit of damage done this evening let's just say my driver door doesn't open from the outside anymore
  11. Overflow parking lot @ spirit mountain: I need a lift
  12. well, I'm coming! found a hotel, and a ride, we'll be there for 8 days, probably won't ski more than 6, anyone nearby wanna have a mini-meet? I'd like to meet some of you guys!
  13. Well, looks like I'll be in steamboat (sorry, 6+ days of skiing still beats out a few hours in my subaru), so I'll be out, though dynapar from the MNSubie boards will be in town, and probably not doing anything, I'll try to get him to come. sorry to miss it!
  14. Ok, It's a long shot, but I thought I'd try anyway. I got an offer to join a bunch of friends on a road trip to Steamboat Springs, CO, but not an offer to stay in the condo with them (grumble grumble) sooooooo, does anyone live in, or near steamboat, and want to let a fellow subie addict stay w/them for a few days? The trip would be for the 30th - 7th, but I think I found a cheap place that has room for the 1st/2nd-7th, so it'd probably only be for a couple days. PULEEEEAAAAASE!!!!
  15. another bump! I got an offer on a week-long road trip to steamboat!!! If I can find cheap lodging (HA), so I may, or may not be in. (JeepGuy is definately out, [grumble] bastard[/grumble])
  16. right after my lift is in!!!
  17. True Dat! Anything I need a repair manual for, I'm NOT doing anywhere other than my garage, I'll call AAA (thank you grands!) before I do any serious repairs.
  18. An old one I dug up, the terrain wasn't very impressive, but it's a good shot of the car (when it was clean), with some neat scenery
  19. I'm using one of those now, but it sucks putting it on and off outside, in 6+ inches of snow! I want something i can leave on, and we already have one, and I can put it on in my parents (soon-to-be) heated garage! anyway, I didn't try this morning, took 2 hours to get new tires, then changed the oil, and tried to fix my exhaust "leak" so I could drive the 3 hours up here to duluth for finals, needless to say, I was unsuccessful, and my ears are ringing, bigtime!
  20. nice, I'm particularly lovin' the subaru light covers! where'd you come across those?
  21. wanna give me one?! you'd be my bestest of friends for ever!! I wish I could find a brat, that I could afford, of course, then the lift would have to wait another year
  22. BAAAAAAAAA HA HA HA, that's awesome, I may try just that! seriously though, thanks Shawn, I may try to do it tomorrow
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